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Kendall's POV.

I woke up with a terrible hangover, my left arm hung heavily over the edge of the bed, the bulky cast weighing it down. I was in a familiar bed, Khloe's. I looked around for my sister but I couldn't see her anywhere, I figured she'd be downstairs. I wrapped her dressing gown that she'd left on the end of the bed around myself and went downstairs.

My head was pounding, I could hear Khloe downstairs, talking, to someone else. Then I heard Kylie's unmistakeable laugh, fuck.
"Kenny?" Khloe called, "Is that you?"
"Uhh, yeah," I answered, "It's me,"

I walked down the remainder of the stairs, and out onto the patio, where the  two of my sisters were sitting. I stood behind Khloe, until eventually after a few moments of uninterrupted awkwardness passed and Kylie stood up and hugged me. She buried her head into my shoulder, my arms were loosely around Kylie's waist, I was being careful not to dig into her with my cast,
"I'm so sorry," She whispered,

I didn't respond, I tried to focus on an inanimate object as I knew if I closed my eyes, or actually interacted with my sister I would either pass out or throw up. Kylie let go and looked up at, my eyes were still fixated on the inanimate object behind her shoulder and it must've looked like I was staring right through her.
"Are you okay Kendall,"

I turned on my bare heels and ran into the kitchen, being sick and almost collapsing into the sink. I closed my eyes for a second and tried to focus on my breathing, I felt a hand on my back rubbing in a gentle circular motion. I opened my eyes again to see it was Kylie. I threw my arms around her and this time it was me burying my head into her shoulder, I started to cry and once I'd started I couldn't stop.

We stood in the kitchen for a little while like that, I pulled away from Kylie and wiped my eyes,
"You done?" She asked me, I nodded,
"Let's go and sit down,"

I took a seat on the bigger couch next to Khloe and leant my head on her shoulder, the pair of them resumed their conversation. I thought about Cara, and how dumb and stupid and selfish I'd been to her, I'd just walked out on her because all I was thinking was my own personal reputation. I could feel tears building up behind my eyes and I couldn't be dealing with my sisters' sympathy so I decided to remove myself from the situation and go have a bath.

I sat on the floor leaning against the bath tub, and when the water had reached a suitable depth, I undressed and stepped in. I took extra care to prevent my casted arm from getting wet, it hung limply over the edge of the bath, the water was probably to hot but the temperature of the water I was bathing really wasn't top of my priorities.

The rest of the day, was pretty much a blur, Kylie was there, Khloe was there, I was there. But it was as if I wasn't there. It was as if I was just going through the motions, doing what I had to do to pass as normal. I didn't want my sisters to be worried about me, I just wanted to be left alone. To mope and sulk and feel sorry for myself even though I was the only one to blame, only me.

Kylie and Khloe had gone out to get some form of take out food for us, I passed. Instead choosing to try and find out what Cara was doing, wether she had been spotted with a new flame out on the town or wether she's been out with friends having the time of her life. I googled her name and a headline on an English newspaper's website and was the top result.

'Trouble for Delevingne, ambulances spotted outside young model's home.'

Panic immediately took hold of me, I tried calling her phone, no answer. It said in the article ambulances arrived at her house in the early hours of yesterday morning, so it could've been anything. I immediately sprung into action, trying to pull my winter coat over my cast and trying to pack a bag of Khloe's clothes that looked small enough for me. I heard keys turn in the door, and Kylie and Khloe's laughter, which completely cut out the second they opened the door and saw the state I was in again.

"Kendall, what's wrong?" Kylie asked, putting her arms around me,
"I need to get to the UK," I sobbed,
"What? Why?" Khloe chimed in,
"I just need to,"
"It's because of Cara, isn't it?" Kylie asked, I nodded and she hugged me tighter, "Let me come with you,"
"Okay," I whispered,

Before I knew it we had landed in the UK, Kylie was grasping my hand tight and the tears had eventually stopped falling, presumably all dried out as I still felt like crying but found I was unable to. I called Cara's phone numerous times before I finally got through, it wasn't Cara. It was another lady with a more South-Eastern accent,
"Hello? Is that you Cara?" I asked, already knowing the answer,
"Nah babe, who's calling?"

"It's Cara's girlfriend, I need to come and see her, can you tell me where she is?"
"The Gordon Hospital, Victoria,"
"Thankyou so much,"

I hung up the phone and Kylie and I walked out to get a cab, once we managed to get into one we sat in silence,
"London's pretty huh?" She asked me, trying to break the silence,
"I guess," Kylie laughed nervously, trying to think of something else to say,

I stared out of the window, trying to take in the sights and trying to take my mind off of Cara, but everything about the UK reminded me of her. Every double-decker bus we passed, every park, every fish and chip shop. The cab stopped outside the hospital and Kylie paid the driver and we both hopped out,
"I'm gonna grab something to eat, you want anything?"
"I'm fine, thankyou, though, for offering,"
"I'm gonna go stretch my legs, I'll see you in around an hour,"

I waved to Kylie, from the hospital entrance and ran up to the Reception Desk,
"I'm here for Cara," I said to the lady behind the desk, "Delevingne,"
"Visiting hours are almost over, ma'am,"
"Please, I need to see her, it's urgent,"
"Okay, she's on Ward 4, the nurses should be able to tell you which room,"

I sprinted along the corridor, constantly looking up at the directions on the signs above me, I must have looked completely mental but I wanted to spend as much of the little time left of visiting hours, with Cara. I finally navigated the maze of pristine, sparkling corridors and got to Ward 4,
"I'm here for Cara," I told a pointy-chinned, stern-faced nurse,

"Another photographer?"
"No, no, I'm - um - her girlfriend,"

A lady with shocking red hair, poked her head around the door of one of the rooms,
"Let her in Yvette," She said in the same South-Eastern accent, I'd heard over the phone, "She called, her name had heart emojis next to it, she's legit,"
The pointy lady stepped out of my way and I went into the room, as the red-haired woman left. Cara was laying on the bed, her arms was connected to a drip and her normally glowing skin, was an odd off-white color.

I pulled a chair up next to her bed and grasped her thickly-bandaged hand, she turned her head towards me, her eyes opening fractionally,
"Cara," I began,
"Shhh," She whispered, "Don't talk, my head's killing me,"

She smiled weakly and I let out a small sigh, I'd missed her so much. She shuffled to the side, leaving a space next to her, she motioned for me to come closer, I got onto to the bed next to her. Making slow, gentle movements so I didn't hurt her, she looked so fragile, like she was made of paper, I rested my head on her shoulder,
"What happened Cara?" I whispered,
"You know, acute alcohol poisoning, the usual,"
I smirked feebly, Cara had closed her eyes again and I did the same, jet lag was a bitch. I was in a light, peaceful sleep when the pointy nurse came in,
"Hey, visiting hours are over,"

I swung my legs around, still holding onto Cara's hand, I leant over and brush her hair away from her eyes and kissed her gently on the forehead,
"I'll come visit you tomorrow," I promised and then walked out of the room,

As I walked back to the reception, I barely realized the tears streaming down my face, they were the nice kind of tears. The ones you don't feel, because they're painless and they're only because you truly are happy, I wiped them away with the back of my hand and smiled to myself. Kylie was slumped in an armchair in the reception, practically asleep,
"You okay? Your eyes look a little puffy,"
"Yeah, I think I am,"

I took Kylie's hand and we walked out of the hospital together and for the first time in the last few days, I actually did feel okay, I actually did feel like everything was going to be okay. Sure, Cara wasn't well and my hand was in plaster and we had set hours to be together. But for the first time in a few days I was content with what I had.
"Let's go find a place to stay," I suggested to Kylie.

No Homo?| [CaKe: Cara and Kendall] | LGBT GXG |Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant