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Kendall's POV.

I ran out into the street, dragging my suitcases behind me. I sat on a bench on the corner of the street and sobbed, the warms tears fell quickly and silently. I'd walked away from the one person who I could tell anything to, the one person who means everything to me. I hailed a black cab and told the driver to take me to Gatwick, I'd booked a flight while Cara was out and was starting to regret just leaving her.

I tried to close my eyes as I sat in the back seat of the cab, crying, but every time I did I kept seeing Cara's face, kept seeing her blue eyes fill slowly with tears. I felt the guiltiest I'd ever felt, I got out of the cab paid the driver and walked into the airport. Big darkened sunglasses covered my eyes and protected my identity from any paparazzi who may have been lurking around in the airport. The sunglasses were also covering some of the tears that were streaming down my face.

The flight was long and boring, made longer by my heavy guilt and inability to fall asleep, I stared out of the window. I couldn't stop thinking about what I'd done to Cara. I didn't know why I'd done it, I couldn't work out wether it was because of my mom, or Kylie, or the paper, but I knew it was an impulsive wrong decision.

My eyelids eventually grew heavy and I managed to fall asleep, my head leaning against the cool glass of the window. I was woken up by a flight attendant, I unwillingly got up out of my seat and dragged my hand luggage off of the plane. I got a taxi home.

The rest of my evening was occupied by a mixture of tears, alcohol and pure regret. I finished off the night lying face down on my pillow, with a burning urge to pick up my phone and call Cara. I managed to refrain myself from calling her but graced Khloe with my drunk, distraught phone call instead,
"Khloe, I love her," Is what I started the conversation with,
"Kendall, it's 3:24AM, why are you crying and what are you talking about?"
"I walked out on her Khloe, she loved me and I walked out on her,"
"I have no idea what you're on about"
"She's gone, I ruined it, she hates me," I sobbed,
"Kendall where are you?" Khloe asked, heavy concern filling her voice,
"I'm at my house, but I should be at Cara's, I love her Khloe,"
"Kendall, I'm coming over," She hung up the phone and I threw mine across the room, my drunken sadness turning into drunken rage, I stared at the ceiling.

The tears has stopped falling, it was as if I'd cried all the tears I had left, now I was just left staring blankly at the light fixture. I heard Khloe knock at the door, and I went and let her in, she put her arms around me and I broke down as she held me. She led me into my living room and laid down with me on the sofa, I continued to sob into her chest as we laid there.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked me, I pushed away from her, anger gripping me again, I stood up,
"No, I don't want to talk about it," I shouted at the top of my lungs, I turned my back on Khloe and rammed my fist hard into the wall, the force of the hit knocking the anger out of me.

I slid down the wall and sat on the carpet, I began to sob again, not only because the sadness had returned once again but because that really fucking hurt. Khloe rushed over to me,
"Kendall!" She cried, she looked at my hand which was a swollen mess, "We need to go to the Emergency room right now, Kendall put some shoes on,"

I shook my head, I didn't want to co-operate with Khloe, she grabbed my Uggs which were in the hallway and shoved them onto my feet, she pulled me up by my shoulders and dragged me out and into the front seat of her SUV. I was still crying and the pain in my wrist was getting worse, Khloe parked outside the hospital and we walked in. She explained for me as I was much of a mess to even make basic understandable sentences.

We sat in the waiting room my arm had been put in a sling and we were waiting for an X-Ray, my head was resting on Khloe's shoulder,
"Khloe," I began, "I think I'm gonna be sick,"
"Go find a bathroom, or a bin,"
I got out of my seat and rushed to the bathroom but didn't quite make it, I ended up doubling over and being sick in the middle of the waiting room,

"Oh fuck, Kendall!" Khloe exclaimed from her seat behind me, "You done?"
I nodded and sat down back down next to Khloe, a nurse who was sitting behind the desk rushed out to clean up the mess on the floor. My name was called and I went in to the x Ray room,
"Well Kendall," The doctor began, "Your wrist is definitely broken and you've dislocated two of your fingers,"

I ignored him all I wanted was to be at home, I was pretty spaced out as I'd been given morphine anyway,
"What can you do for her?" Khloe asked the doctor,
"Not much for the dislocated fingers except tape them as her wrist will be in a cast," The doctor said, the next half an hour or so was pretty much a blur, I was taking a lot of morphine and Khloe was doing most of the talking for me.
"What colour cast would you like Kendall?" I was asked,
"Grey," I muttered,

I passed out some time after that and woke up in my bed, Khloe was laying next to me playing on her phone, she must've seen me move because she had turned and propped herself up on her side,
"You feeling okay?" She asked me,
"No," I answered, starting to cry again,
"Kendall seriously what's wrong?"
"I miss her Khloe! I walked out on her,"
"Walked out on who?"

Just saying her name, made the tears that were already falling quite heavily fall heavier and faster, Khloe pulled me into her chest, I was sobbing hard and struggling to breathe through my heavy sadness. I cried myself back to sleep, still in Khloe's arms.

I missed Cara, I didn't know how to get her back but I knew I had to, somehow.

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