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Dedicated to: Lucy! Bc she's bae af and you should read her fanfics they're amazing. loulou1446

Kendall's POV.

I could hear Cara talking in the hallway, when I woke up and I noticed my phone was gone off of the bedside table.
"Babe," I called out,
Cara didn't respond but was still talking in the same urgent, hushed tone, I wrapped the duvet around my shoulders and went out into the hallway.
"Okay Kylie, we'll be there soon, stay safe, don't do anything stupid,"

Cara had tears forming in her eyes,
"Cara, what's happened?" I asked her, "Are you okay,"
"Come and sit down, Kendall," She said, taking my hand, I sat down on the bed beside her,
"Is Kylie okay?" I asked her,
"Kylie's in jail, Ken," She told me, putting her hand on my thigh, I couldn't believe what I'd just heard, I felt my eyes well up,
"What did she do," I managed to whisper, the lump in my throat preventing me from talking any louder,
"Drove someone's car uninsured, slightly over the limit and she crashed it into a tree,"

I nodded, not saying a word, Cara pulled me into her chest, I breathed in her scent as I sobbed quietly, she rubbed my back,
"She needs us to bail her out," She whispered,
I sat up and she wiped away the tears streaming down my face, we both started to get ready,
"Cara?" I asked quietly, "Can I wear one of your hats please?"

She nodded and smiled warmly, handing me a black DKNY beanie, I put it on, it smelt like her shampoo. We walked along the hotel's hallway in silence, I fumbled around for her hand and grasped it tight when I finally found it, she jumped slightly when she felt how cold my hand was and pulled our hands into her hoodie pocket. Cara's bodyguard was waiting outside with the car, surrounded by a swarm of paparazzi, I wasn't usually overwhelmed by them but for some reason that day I just wanted to cry my eyes out at the sight of them. I gripped Cara's hand tighter, trying to be as close to her as possible, she noticed the tears streaming down my face from under my sunglasses and shot me a concerned look as we stepped into the car.

I stared out of the window as we sped along the police station, after a few minutes of silence Cara finally spoke,
"Come here babe," She put her arm around me and pulled me into her, I cried into her shoulder, the warmth of her embrace somewhat comforting but not enough. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to relax a little,
"Is Kylie going to prison?" I asked Cara, I felt her shrug a little, her face solemn, her eyes slightly red aswell. We walked into the police station together, I held her hand tight and she spoke to the lady behind the desk, I paid Kylie's bail on my card and we were led through to a busy waiting room, there weren't any free seats so we sat on the floor in the corner.

Cara sat cross legged and I laid down, resting my head on her knee,
"How are you feeling now, baby?" Cara asked me, speaking quietly as the room was near-on silent,
"Worse than before," I whined,
"Awww, babe, we can go back to my house after this and we can sleep and order a takeaway,"
I nodded a little, and tried to relax, but the room we were sitting in was hot, cramped and making me feel claustrophobic, I sat up against the wall next to Cara,
"I really don't feel well Cara," I whispered into her ear, she turned to look at me,
"Do you need a drink?" She asked, I nodded, "There's a vending machine in the foyer go and take a breather, I'll wait for Kylie,"

She handed me her purse and I got myself a bottle of water, I stood outside, slumped against the wall of the Police Station, the air was cold and the sky was slightly grey. I closed my eyes and tried to breathe at a normal pace as I realized that my breathing had become rapid and shallow,
"Kendall?" I heard a British accent call, I turned around to see Cara standing in the doorway of the station, "You need to sign for Kylie,"

I followed Cara into the police station, where my tear-stained sister was sitting behind a desk in a small conference room,
"Kendall?" An officer asked, I nodded, "Please fill out this form,"
I filled out the paperwork my hand shaking, a tear rolling down my cheek as I did so, I looked over at Kylie who looked like she was going to burst into tears any second, biting her lip firmly to stop herself. Cara grabbed my hand and we walked out of the police station with Kylie, none of us talking, an awkward silence filling the space around us. We were greeted by a few paparazzi but they left as we got into the car.

The car ride from the station to Cara's was fairly short, my head was rested on her shoulder and she had her arm around me,
"You feeling any better Kenny?" She asked,
"A little," I lied, feeling just as awful as I had all day,
"Kylie?" She asked, looking over at my sister who was looking out of the window and obviously crying,
"I'm fine," Kylie muttered through her tears, Cara -who was sitting in the middle of us- took Kylie's hand and we sat like that for the rest of the journey.

Once we'd got into Cara's house we went into the living room, so we could order takeaway, I sat sprawled out across Cara's lap and Kylie perched awkwardly on the edge of the sofa,
"I need to go to Poppy's" Cara said,
"Do I need to come?" I asked her,
"Not at all, baby," She said putting her arms around my front and resting her chin on my shoulder, "I'll pick up pizza on the way back,"

I nodded in agreement,
"I'll be off then," Cara said, lifting me off her lap, putting me onto the sofa next to her and walking out the room, "See you in a little bit!"
Kylie and I sat in silence for a couple of minutes, every now and then she'd wipe under her eye to stop the tears that threatened to spill out from overflowing.
"Come here, Kylie," I said, eventually,

I stood up and put my arms around her, she put her arms around my waist,
"I'm so sorry, "She whispered,
"It's fine," I whispered back, we sat down on the sofa and I pulled the throw that was folded on the ottoman over us, her head was rested on my chest and we laid there for a little bit until a question popped into my head,
"Have you told Mom?" I asked her, she shook her head, "You need to call her, Kylie,"
I sat up straight,
"It's fine, Mom doesn't need to know,"
"Yes she does! Kylie you're going to have to go to court for this, this is serious!"
Kylie sighed,
"I'm going to have to go to court over here! Mom isn't here, she doesn't have to know about this,"
"What about the press finding out? Mom's going to find out then, isn't she? She's going to be less pissed if you tell her,"
"I'm not telling her Kendall!" We were shouting at each other by this point,
"Then I will!!" I yelled, as Cara walked in the front door.

I can imagine her shock to walk in on us standing in her living room, screaming at each other, tears running down both of our faces,
"What the fuck's going on here?" Cara asked, dropping the bag of pizza on the sofa,
"I'm going upstairs," Kylie muttered, storming off out of the room,
"Fuck you Kylie!" I yelled trying to follow her upstairs, I wasn't done arguing, Cara grabbed my shoulders as I tried to push past her, I tried to break out of grip but she was stronger than me, pulled me into her body and hugged me tight, I gave up trying to resist and let myself collapse into Cara's arms, I cried into Cara's chest for a few minutes and once I'd calmed down she sat me down on the sofa,
"Kendall," She said in a calm, but firm voice, "You haven't had anything to eat today, have some pizza while I go up and see Kylie,"

I nodded as she turned on the TV for me to watch, she took the other pizza up to Kylie, and I sat and managed to eat a slice of the slightly warm pizza, Cara came back down the stairs and sat on the sofa next to me,
"Did you eat something?" She asked me, noticing the pizza box was on the ottoman,I nodded, she picked up the box "You ate hardly anything,"
"I'm not in the mood babe," I said closing my eyes and nuzzling into Cara, she nodded and ate a couple of slices of pizza herself, not long after that I fell into a well-needed sleep, cuddled up next to her.

Woah! Bloody Hell! Two chapters in two days.
I'm feeling pretty inspired at the moment, hope you enjoy reading this!
Lauren xx

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