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Cara's POV.

I laid on my hospital bed, Kendall had just left, her side of the bed was still warm from where she'd been laying. I was so glad to see her again, I didn't care that she'd walked out on me, I just wanted to be with her. The fact that she didn't look to great herself, made me feel better about how awful I looked- and felt.

The nurse came by with my evening dose of painkillers and they were strong enough to knock me out for the a couple of hours, I woke up shivering in the early hours of the next morning. I tried to roll over and get comfortable but the drip going into my hand was stopping me from moving a certain way. I poured myself a glass of water out of the jug on the bedside table, my head still pounding, and closed my eyes.

I laid there for a few minutes, unable to fall asleep, my stomach had started to hurt a little bit and I was feeling increasingly nauseous. I pulled the alarm next to my bed and a nurse came back and offered me a stronger painkiller which I happily accepted, this one took a few minutes to knock me out. I enjoyed those few minutes, as the effects of the painkillers were similar to something I'd taken in a club once, I happily watched the walls spin around me until I eventually fell asleep again.

I woke up to a nurse coming in to take off my drip and take my pulse, blood pressure and other medical things.
"Can I go home today?" I asked,
"We need to keep you in one more day, you're still pretty dependent on painkillers and we need to wean you off of the stronger ones," The nurse told me, "Tomorrow,"

I sighed and rolled over, now free to move however I wanted to and once again tried to fall asleep, I tossed and turned for a while until there was a knock on my door. Kendall gingerly opened it,
"Hey babe, how are you feeling?"
"Like shit," I laughed gently,

I moved over and she laid down on the bed next to me, I put my arms around her waist and rested my head on her shoulder.
"I've missed you," I whispered,
"I've missed you too, I'm sorry for walking out,"
"It's okay baby,"
She kissed my forehead, I looked up at her,
"Let's just fucking fuck," I said,
"What here!?"
"Mhmm, right here on this bed,"

I kissed her, hard. We kissed like we'd never kissed before and it felt amazing. It was like in the movies, where the two star-crossed lovers finally kiss, and there are fireworks. Except there weren't any fireworks. But there were sparks. Sparks probably aren't the best metaphor for that kiss actually, the kiss was certainly hot, but more porn star hot then sparks hot.

It was the best feeling ever and I was so glad to have her back. She reached down under the thin duvet and considering I had no underwear on under my hospital gown, Kendall's job was extremely easy. I tried to moan quietly, as to not alarm the nurses but had failed as when I opened my eyes a gaggle of dazed nurses were watching open-mouthed through the un-curtained window.

I fell to the side of Kendall, breathless,
"Shit babe, you're good,"
"I learned from the best," She grinned at me, and pulled me into her chest. After a few moments of sitting in silence, I was overwhelmed with emotion, all of a sudden I felt like crying and I had no clue why. I looked up at Kendall who was staring into the distance, a slight, satisfied smile across her lips, she must've felt me move because she shifted slightly and looked down at me.

By that point my eyes were completely filled with tears,
"Cara, what's wrong?" Kendall wiped away the tear that had started to fall down my cheek with her thumb,
"It's nothing, I'm just happy,"
"Me too,"
A nurse, timidly pushed open the door and awkwardly shuffled into the room,
"Visiting hours are over,"
"Right, um," Kendall began, "I'll umm see you tomorrow baby,"

She planted a kiss on my forehead, and exited the room quickly, probably realising that this was one of the nurses that had seen us having exquisite finger sex on this very bed about 10 minutes ago, the nurse saw me grinning to myself and winked at me on her way out.

The rest of the night was pretty unmemorable and Kendall came to pick me up the next day, I was discharged no problem and Kendall's bodyguard drove us back, no offense to her but she looked absolutely awful.
"What's wrong, babe?" I asked her, once we were sitting in the back of the car,
"Nothing, I'm just tired," She tried to explain, but in the years that I'd known Kendall I'd never seen her looking so drained, 
"Liar," I said, running my hand through her hair, which was running down my shoulder as her head rested on mine, she didn't respond to my comment. She took off her seatbelt and swiveled around on the seat so her head was laying in my lap, 

"I'm worried about Kylie," She finally said, a tear rolling down her cheek as she did,  "She's been so distant since what happened with Dad, it's like a part of Kylie's gone away too,"
"I'm sure she's fine, everyone has their own way of dealing with things,"
"I found pills in her handbag," She said, sitting up by now,
"Have you spoken to her?"
She shook her head and burst into tears, I put my arms around her and pulled her onto my lap, her long legs dangled way over the seat and into the footwell below, she cried into my shoulder as I held her tight, trying my best to be comforting.

It wasn't a particularly short journey from the hospital to the hotel Kylie and Kendall were staying in so Kendall ended up falling asleep before we got there, she woke up groggily as the car drew to a stop.
"What time is it?" She asked,
"2," I replied,
"I feel like shit,"
"You look like shit love," I informed her politely,
"Thanks," She pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes, presumably to cover the puffiness and black circles,

We walked into the hotel together and Kendall handed me the room key while we were in the lift,
"I feel really really shit," She whined,
"I know baby," I hugged her from behind, and she put held my hand limply as we walked along the corridor, I opened the door and Kendall got straight into bed, fully-clothed at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, after I'd had a shower I joined her. Around half an hour later, Kendall's phone started to go off, it was Kylie. I took her phone off of the bedside table and went out onto the hotel's landing to take the phone call,

"Hello?" I said, 
"Cara?" Kylie said, she was crying, I could hear her sniffing before I even spoke,
"Are you okay, Kylie?"  I was quite concerned, considering what Kendall had found out,
"Where's Kendall?" She asked, it was becoming more and more obvious that Kylie was drunk,
"She's asleep babe, where are you now?"
"Umm, Cara, I'm in jail."

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