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I'd just like to say, although Annie isn't written as a particularly nice character in the story, I fully support Cara's relationship and I'm glad she's happy. Even though Kendall is obviously Cara's soulmate. Also this chapter is a little short, sorry!!
Thanks for making it this far into the fanfic <3

Lauren xx


The first thing I did when I got to New York was get the cast on my arm removed, I'd barely noticed it, for the six weeks that I'd had it for. After a brief trip to the hospital, I met up with Gigi for the first time, in what felt like years. I was feeling kind of crappy, if I'm honest, I was missing Cara and my - wrist after being out of action for a month and a half - ached like hell. 

Gigi hadn't arrived yet, when I got to the café. We'd been there before, it was nice, quite quaint and not as busy as you'd expect of a  New York coffee shop. I sunk into a sofa and waited for Gigi to turn up. Eventually, I spotted her walking through the door, I stuck my hand up to wave but she'd already clocked me.
"Kendall!" She squealed, running across the Café to hug me, she pulled me into a tight hug, we both sat down and a waiter took our order,
"So," She began, "How are you?"
"Bullshit, what's wrong?"
"I just feel like crap,"
"Aww Ken," She reached across the table and grabbed my hands, she leant forward on her elbows, her face was pretty much touching mine, "How's Cara?"
"I miss her," I looked down at my hands, which were clamped inside Gigi's, she smiled at me sympathetically,
"Wanna ditch this coffee and go back my place?"

I nodded and slipped my cardigan over my shoulders, she tucked her arm in mine and we left the café. It was a November afternoon and the icy winds practically knocked us over as we struggled up the street, to Gigi's apartment. I'd missed Gigi a lot.

Once we'd got to her apartment we both collapsed into the sofa, she flicked the TV on,
"So Ken, apart from being missed, how is Cara?" She asked,
"She's good," I sighed, resting my head on Gigi's shoulder,
"So Victoria's Secret?"

I grinned, I'd been too busy moping to think about the fashion show, I looked up at Gigi, who was grinning aswell, we talked about the fashion show and about other shoots we'd done and just about life in general for hours. We talked until our voices were hoarse and we were sitting in the dark, with just the dim light of the TV illuminating us. I looked down at Gigi, she was still talking, her eyes were closed and her head was rested on my chest. Her voice trailed off eventually, and we sat in silence for a little while.
"You asleep Gi?" I asked, she shook her head and sat up.

She turned to face me, "I really missed you Ken,"
I didn't reply, I stared into her eyes, they were pale and bright, a lot like Cara's, but Gigi's were more green. Gigi leant in, our faces literally a centimetre apart. Our lips touched, they touched a few times, her lips were plumper than Cara's. It struck me what was happening. I pulled away,
"Shit, shit, shit, fuck, crap," I listed as many swear words as I could think of. I just kissed Gigi. I started to feel sick, my breathing got heavier, "Um... fuck,"

The only thing I could think to say, was swear words, I'd just cheated on my girlfriend, who I loved so very much, "Shit," I mumbled in between, deep, heavy breaths, Gigi stared at me, all I could think about was what I'd done to Cara.
"Are you okay Kendall? You um - look a bit pale," Gigi asked,
"I'm gonna call it a night," I stood up and wiped away the tear that was rolling down my cheek, she bit her lip and nodded,
"I'll be in soon,"

I left her in the Living room and headed to her bedroom. That had never happened before, I'd never felt anything for Gigi before. I pulled off my jeans and slipped my bra off, tossing them in a pile on the floor. I slid under the covers and checked my phone, there was a message from Cara.

*YO, bby. Breaking up wit u k bbz. Back wit Annie now. Av a goood life bbbby xxx*

I read it through a couple of times, it must've been about 3 am where Cara was, she was either drunk or someone else was on her phone. I remembered what'd happened last time she got drunk and sent her a reply, she didn't reply to it, so I sent another two. I gave up eventually and put my phone down on the nightstand, figuring that she'd probably fallen asleep and that she'd message me in the morning and apologise, and I'd accept that apology willingly because I fucked up tonight aswell, only I wouldn't have told her what I'd done yet, she'll be totally oblivious and that's the worst part.

After about twenty minutes Gigi came in, I was laying face down in the pillow, watching her out of the corner of my eye. I watched her strip down to her bra and panties, realising what I was doing I squeezed my eyes shut. She turned off the light and climbed into bed next to me,
"You asleep Ken?" She whispered, I didn't reply for a little while, I waited until she'd put her phone down,
"Did you feel anything Gi?"
"Did you feel anything?" I asked again,
I nodded, relieved, I hadn't felt anything either, looking back on it, it felt wrong if anything. It felt like kissing my sister. Not that that made anything any better.
"Are you okay?" She asked,
I nodded again, "Are you?"
It was her turn to nod now, "Come here, babe,"

She put her arm around me and pulled me into her, "I love you Ken," She whispered,
"I love you too,"

No Homo?| [CaKe: Cara and Kendall] | LGBT GXG |Where stories live. Discover now