Pocky and Anime [boyxboy] Chapter 17

Start from the beginning


“Um….you see….ah fuck it. This one chick just told me to give you this.” He said, looking ready to bolt as he handed me a blue paper with scrawl that I guess qualified as handwriting. Barely.

I squinted my eyes, scowling. Damn this is hard to read.

Hello Skylar,

This is Alicia and I was wondering, why have I not, like, been invited to your party? I heard everyonewas going to be there! And I’m, like, jealous! So you better invite me or I’ll crash it! I’ll find out where you live!

Sincerely, like,


Okay then….I turned to the kid and narrowed my eyes. “Tell Gretchen to come here.”

He nodded quickly, dashing off.

“What’re you gonna do boss?” Ryan asked, his voice innocent as he wrote a scathing report on our government.

“I’m going to shut her the fuck up.” I replied, typing quickly. I was going to end this for once and all.

“Are you hacking everyone’s phones?” Drake asked, leaning against my chair as his glasses flashed from the rapidly changing screen as windows popped up, numbers being processed quickly.

“Yes.” I glanced him over before turning back to the screen. He wore some black sneakers, black jeans and a dark blue v-neck with a black leather jacket that was worn so it didn’t make that squeaky sound. He had glasses on at the moment because before he was working on upgrading our photo services. Like Photoshop and that crap.

“When should Hanna and Akuma be back?” I asked him as I leaned back, waiting for the message box to pop up so I could send the text message.

“They should be here in….five minutes.” He replied, checking his phone real quick and I nodded.

“Good. I’m fucking hungry.” I grumbled. Instead of having a lunch, we had this. Sure, we could go get lunch if we wanted but we were ‘supposed’ to be in here.

“You called~!” A voice purred, walking in without knocking. Gretchen.

I pressed send at that moment and pushed the little platform with the mouse and keyboard away, standing up. I looked her over coldly, taking in her short shorts, of the shoulder top and the fact I could see her big boobs. Why girls dressed like this? I don’t know. Low self-esteem or some crap. I held back a sigh, counting the seconds.

She rose an eyebrow, thinking I was stupid probably because I wasn’t speaking. Three, two, one….

‘Just shoot for the stars

If it feels right

And aim for my heart

If you feel like

And take me away and make it OK

I swear I’ll behave


You wanted control

So we waited

I put on a show

Now I make it

You say I’m a kid

My ego is big

I don’t give a shit

And it goes like this


Pocky and Anime [boyxboy] (On Hold Due to Severe Writers Block)Where stories live. Discover now