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The house was quiet. Too quiet. But that makes sense. It's 5 am after all. I pull back the covers and see the blood. He's gone now of course. I sigh and get up slowly. I walk slowly and get in the shower. I clean the blood and smells of him off me. I step out and dry off. I go to my large closest and pull my Triple H shirt and sweat pants out. Triple H is my dad. I love him so much. I'll miss him. I think as I get ready.

I pull my bags down and pack only my favorite clothes and things I can't live without. I take all the money I have saved $900. It should get me to California I hope. I grab my bags and leave my room. Last time I'll ever see it. I walk to my brother's room. I need to say bye to him.

Seth is curled up asleep. I hate to wake him but it would kill me if I didn't say bye to my baby brother, my best friend. "Hey Seth." Seth opens his eyes. "Cora? It's 5:30 am." Seth moaned. "I know but I'm leaving." I said. "What? Where are you going? Take me with you." Seth said. "I can't Seth not this time. I'm going away for a long time. Something happened with Uncle Shane last night and I can't talk about it. But you have to stay. Mom and Dad can't lose two kids. Plus you have school. Your only 14. I'm 18. I'm a grown up. It's time I act one and care for myself. I'll be ok." I said. "But you have college. What about your classes at Yale?" Seth asked. "I have to go Seth. You can't stop me this time." I said. Seth starts to cry and it breaks my heart. "Seth I'm gonna be ok. Please look after Mom and Dad for me. I really don't want to hurt them more then I have to by leaving." I said about to cry myself. "Please don't go. Tell them what happened with Shane. They can fix it." Seth pleads. "I've already caused them enough trouble Seth. It's time I go." I said. Seth nodded understanding. "But I'll miss you." He said sadly. "I'll miss you too." I said just as sadly. "I love you. Be good for me." I said. "I love you too and promise I will." Seth said. I leave knowing we are both about to cry if I stay any longer. I'll never see my baby brother and best friend again and we both know it.

I walk downstairs with my bag. I'll leave Mom and Dad a quick note. I grab a paper and pen. I start thinking of everything as I write. Seth mostly. For 14 years my only friend was Seth my little brother.

When I was 3 the only thing I asked for for my birthday was a brother or sister because I was lonely and needed a friend. My parents travel for work a lot. They promised to try but of course it didn't happen in time for my birthday. But a few months later my mom got pregnant. I talked to her stomach and kissed it everyday.

In late May my stupid Uncle Shane arranged for the family to go on a trip to Northern Canada. It was cold and snowy. We got lost going to the place and we had to stay in a cold abandoned cabin till help came. My mom got really sick and gave birth to Seth 2 months early in this stupid cabin. He was born sick and his right leg was crooked at birth but I loved him all the same. Help came and my mom and new brother went to the hospital. They both eventually got better and came home. Seth was sick a lot and he can't walk on his right leg. He's small for his age and has to be homeschooled on online because of his illnesses but I love him all same. He's the best friend anyone would want. He's loyal, kind, and caring.

I start crying. I'll miss him so much. I look down at what I wrote to my parents

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm sorry you had to wake up and find this. I really didn't want it to be this way but he didn't leave me a choice anymore. I love you both so much. Thank you for giving me and Seth such a beautiful life. Please look after Seth for me. He'll need you both a lot more now. Thank you for paying for my college at Yale. I'm sorry I won't be continuing it. I'm not leaving because of something you did I'm leave because I need to. Please please don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I love you both so so much. I'll be safe I promise.

Love always,
Ps: I'm taking the red Cadillac

It's dad's favorite. He won't mind. He loves me that much and that's why it breaks my heart to leave. I quickly get the keys to the car and my bag. I wipe my tears. I need to leave now before I change my mind. Cause if I did I'd never leave and he would get me again. I sigh and go to the garage. I put my bag in the car and get in. I back out and drive as the tears fall knowing I'll probably never see my family again. And it's all Shane's fault.

She's My Everything and I'm Her Nothing (complete)Where stories live. Discover now