1: Sombody's Watching Me

Start from the beginning

I froze as we rounded the corner or the entrance hall. There he was, the most handsome guy I'd ever seen. Matthew Beresford; dirty blonde brown hair, beautiful blue eyes, same height as me, captain of the football team, Blake was second to him on the team, constant grade As, all the girls wanted him, all the guys wanted to be him. Except me, I wanted him.

“Don't look now Benny, but your lover approaches,” Garret wiggled his eyebrows at me seductively. I elbowed him in the ribs and continued walking, as if I hadn't noticed, over to my locker.

“Hey Ben,” Matthew said as he came over to me at my locker, leaning against my neighbours.

“Hey Matt,” I replied casually, I'd had plenty of practise at it. Blake and Garret were right behind me to back me up.

“Coming to the game tonight?” Matthew asked me.

“Of course, I have to support my best friends,” I told him in a 'duh' voice, putting my arm around Blake's shoulders and scruffing up his hair. Blake grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist and yanked me to the side. Suddenly we were play tackling and laughing.

“Alright, settle down,” Garret laughed and yanked the collar of my shirt and pulled me off of Blake. Blake stayed on his back on the floor. He spread his legs and winked at me seductively.

“Be careful or I'll have to attack you,” I said to him and winked back, he blushed and got up to his feet.

“Alright, well I'll leave you guys to it, see you tonight,” Matthew said and jogged off to his first period class. Matthew, Garret, Blake and I were the four top guys in this school. The highest point on the social ladder. Nobody but my three best mates new that Blake and I were gay. Matthew didn't know I was crushing on him.

“Come on B, let's get to class,” Blake giggled as he shook the back of my shirt for attention.

“Alright, coming,” I mumbled and grabbed a book from my bag.

The day was boring boring BORING! With a capital 'GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE BEFORE I SHOT SOMEONE!' Only slight exaggeration.

“And think, it's only Monday,” Garret teased after I complained as we walked to our lockers, I was basically running. I shoved all my books into my locker and then slammed the door shut before they could fall back out.

“What are you in such a hurry for?” Garret asked, his usual Raised Eyebrow of Comprehension; REC for short.

“Don't pull a REC on me bro, I just want to get home,” I defended.

“Home to what?” Garret said with extra REC this time.

“Freedom? No parents? Locking my sister in her room to an otherwise empty house?” I grinned. Garret wiggled his eyebrows.

“In that an invitation?” he asked me. I punched him in the arm.

“Coming over or what?” I growled. Garret laughed and nodded.

“Coming over where for what?” Blake asked as he appeared at my arm. I wrapped my arm around him.

“My house to hang. Want to come?” I asked my Blaky boy.

“YES!” Blake cried.

“Careful, or you'll make me jealous,” came a girl's voice from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see a beautiful red haired and blue eyed girl.

“Hey Jennie,” I said.

“Hey handsome,” Jennie replied, lightly pushing Blake out of the way so she could kiss my cheek. Blake poked his tongue angrily at Jennie's back and I laughed. Jennie turned and glared at him.

“So babe, what are we doing tonight?” Jennie asked me.

We're not doing anything. I'm hanging with the boys,” I told her in a bit of a harsh tone. Jennie was the top girl in the school. She seemed to think that the top girl should be with the top boy. Only thing is, she'd already had Matthew and gotten bored. Garret wouldn't touch her with a ten foot pole and Blake was just too... cute and girlie. So that left me. Only I couldn't tell her I was gay, and other than that I couldn't think of a better excuse. If I said I had another girlfriend she'd ask, who when where why how. I couldn't keep a lie like that up. And if I did, Jennie would only ask to meet her, then what? So as far as Jennie knew I was a single straight guy at the top of the ladder at school, aka her next target.

“Don't be like that baby,” Jennie pouted, making her look like a duck, “You can hang with them any time, I'm offering my time to you.” Jennie batted her eyelids, hoping to look irresistible. Not to me honey.

“I'll pass,” I said, shrugging out of her reach and dragging Blake and Garret along with me. When we were at Garret's car I pulled out my phone and called Matthew. He picked up after two rings.

“Hey man, what's up?” Matt asked through the phone.

“Blake, Garret and I are hanging out at mine before the game, wanna come too?” I asked him as I paced outside Garret's red Fiat Spider. Blake was bouncing in the back seat talking animatedly. He was seriously a little kid in a 17 year old body.

“Sure thing, you going in Garret's car?” Matt asked.

“Yeah, how'd you know?”

“Let's go,” Matt said. I spun around to see him pocketing his phone and grinning at me. I smiled when I saw him. God I hated when he just appeared out of no where like that. It always sent my heart in a flutter. I shook my head and hopped into the front with Garret while Matt got in the back.

 So my little love munchkins... what do we think? Good? Bad? interesting at least? i want you to rev those engines of lustful boy loving and tell me what you think!!!!

also a pic on side of Benjamin >>>>> and the song he's singing on his way to school! for those who don't know it! XD

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