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Epilogue:We Are Family

*Winter's POV*

Ryan leaned farther into my arms, resting his small head in the crook of my elbow. I could sense Jake smiling behind me. Strong arms wrapped around me. I fell back onto Jake's hard chest and sighed in content.

I looked at my family, friends, and pack staring a the fire in the middle of the giant circle we formed. Everywhere I looked I saw girls, boys, men, and women staring at each other with love. Even as I looked at Maya I saw that she was staring at her new boyfriend-Erik-with love.

Austin and Melony's daughter-Aria-pranced up to me and began rambling,

"Mommy says that you should make a speech since this is a ceremony celebrating Ryan and you're his mommy."

"Okay, thank you for telling me, princess"I replied, smiling at the adorable little girl standing in front of me. She was wearing a sparkly blue dress that somewhat resembled Cinderella's dress from the animated movie.

She loved princesses so one day I just started calling her princess. She seemed to love it so I didn't stop.

She ran back to her little group of friends. I saw that she was hugging a little boy I recognized as Issac; Xavier and Penny's son. Even though they were cousins lots of people from the pack were always saying that they were adorable "together."

 I smoothed down my white dress and adjusted my off-the-shoulder strap;Jake had almost pulled it down to my shoulder earlier when he was kissing my mark.

I stepped onto the makeshift stage in the pack-house's backyard. I tapped the microphone to get everyone's attention. The squeal of feedback made almost everyone cover their ears but nevertheless, they turned their heads to look at me.

I began my speech, smiling at the 750 people in front of me,"Hello Green Blood Pack!"

"We are gathered here today to,"I paused and handed Ryan to Jake who was standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Celebrate my son Ryan. He will be Alpha when Jake steps down. Now, have yourselves a good time."

"WE ARE FAMILY!"someone yelled.

As the song Scream and Shout by will.i.am ft.Britney Spears blasted from the giant speakers set around the backyard, screams, shouts, cheers, yells, and claps erupted from the crowd.


This book is officially done. Except for the first chapter this book is not edited, sorry. Will try to do that ASAP. Meanwhile, I will be writing a new book. Once I have the first five chapters written, The Player And The Bad Girl,(my new book) will be public.

Love you peeps, you guys are so awesome!

Peace out y'all!






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