Chapter 26(Unedited)

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Chapter 26:Time To Explain

*Winter's POV*

"Earned It"by The Weeknd woke me up. Maya stirred under me; my head was laying on her stomach. I stretched and yawned quietly, grabbing my phone out of my jacket pocket and answering the call.

Later, I would remember that Earned It was Jake's ringtone but right now I was to hungover to realize that. Guess that sip of water didn't help.


*Jake's POV*

I've been calling Winter nonstop for ten minutes. I was close to breaking my phone when I heard a sweet voice say,


"Winter finally! I've been calling you for ten minutes!"

"Jake?"asked Winter.

She sounded surprised that her mate was calling her.

My wolf screamed at me,"The mate that cheated on her!"

I immediately felt guilty.

My phone beeped and I looked down to see Winter had hung up.

I called her back and waited. She didn't pick up. I called her again. She didn't pick up. I called for a third time. She still didn't pick up. If she didn't answer this time I was actually going to break my phone.




"What, Jake?"Winter asked exasperatedly.

"Why are you so mad at me?"

"Well, two reasons. One, you yelled at me and disrespected me and my friends then had the nerve to tell us what to do. Second, do you really think I didn't feel the pain? I know you cheated on me"Winter ranted angrily.

I've never heard her so upset since a year ago when we went to the circus and some guy spit their drink on her new top. She loved that top.

"You felt it?"

"Of course I did you.. you-you idiot!"


She cut me off,"Don't you 'baby' me!"

"Please, just give me a chance to explain"I pleaded.

"Fine, I'm at Lisa's house. Meet me on the front porch in five minutes. If you're not there I'm going back inside, and not coming back out."

She hung up.

I shrugged on a light jacket and quickly rushed to my truck.

I was at Lisa's house in less than three minutes. I saw Winter sitting on the hammock on the front porch, dressed in long fuzzy pants that I guessed were Lisa's, a red tank top, and her white leather jacket. The jacket was fancy and didn't really go with her outfit but it was cold and I could tell the jacket was keeping her warm.

As I walked up the steps Winter rolled her eyes and scoffed.

I stood there looking at her until she snapped at me,"Explain, don't just sit there looking dumb."

"Okay, well, I was mad at you. I had a deal with the elders but they didn't want to keep it once they saw you and your friends drinking. I needed someway to relieve my stress and I didn't want to come crawling back to you. I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have done it, can you forgive me?"

"Of course"said Winter smiling."Mates are supposed to forgive each other for their mistakes. Plus, I sorta cheated on you too."

"What?!"I yelled. I could feel my eyes getting black and my wolf was starting to take over.

"Calm down, jeez, all I did was kiss him. You actually had sex with someone, who wasn't me,"Winter's eyes were darker than usual. Her voice was more of a growl.

"I know and I'm sorry. Can we go inside now, all of your friends mates have been bugging me to talk to them?"

"Sure"she said, sighing."But I hope you know that my friends mates are the ones who have been ignoring them."

"Uh, that's not true"I said, grabbing Winter's hand as we walked inside.

"Yes it is, just last night they were all telling me that none of their mates were talking to them"she stopped walking and looked at me."And, Ava even said that she saw Spencer kissing Ally, which reminds me; I need to talk to Spencer and Ally."

"I have an idea. We can take the girls to our house, where their mates are waiting very impatiently. And we can all talk about it and make amends"I grabbed Winter's hand again as we went up the stairs.

"Fine"Winter agreed. She stepped away from me to open a honey-colored oak door. Inside were Lisa, Ava, Maya, Ruby, and Summer. Maya was the only one awake. She was looking at her phone frowning.

She looked up as if sensing our presence.

"Hey, Winter."

I looked at her, waiting for her to acknowledge me. She saw my look and said with obvious distaste,


"Hi, Maya"Winter greeted.

Maya got up and lumbered over to us, giving Winter a short hug and me a look of disgust. I'm guessing Winter told her what I did.

"So, we were thinking, that we should wake up the girls and bring them to talk to their mates"I explained.

Maya ignored me and looked at Winter.

The sun shined on her beautiful face through the white curtains and reminded me that I should never have taken my amazing mate for granted.

"Maya listen to Jake"Winter pleaded.

"Fine"Maya turned back to me."What did you say earlier?"

"Just wake up your friends"I said, walking back downstairs and to the kitchen; I haven't eaten breakfast this morning.

On the table laid two bottles of wine and six wine glasses. All of the glasses were empty but there was still sparkling red remnants at the bottoms of two of the clear cups. One of the bottles was completely empty and the other was only a quarter of the way full. I frowned sadly; I guess Winter and her friends were drinking again last night.

As I was bitting into a pear, I heard six sets of soft footsteps on the stairs. I heard giggles, whispers, and thumps. I don't know what they were doing but I could not safely say that someone wasn't going to get hurt.
We pulled up at my house to see Spencer, Brandon, Jason, and Chris-I didn't think he would be back from beta business this early but he showed up on my front porch this morning. All of them had their arms crossed and were talking their foots impatiently. As the girls got out of the car and saw them, I was surprised to see that even Winter and Maya looked angry.
Looking for a new editor, message me if you want to be that person.
I know I haven't dedicated chapters to anyone that I said I was going to and I'm sorry. Surprise in next chapter.
The cover is dedicated to Alive_But_Not Thank you for making me that amazing cover. You're awesome.






Lions, Tigers, and Werewolves!Oh My!(Very Slowly Editing)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt