Chapter 12(Unedited)

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Chapter 12:The Surprise Song

*Winter's POV*

So far I had written about half of the song I was going to sing to Jake for his birthday. I was going to play it on my guitar while singing.

It took me about 2 days to write. I had already showed Megan and my mom and they said so far it was pretty good.


I picked up my song notebook from my nightstand to write another verse. As I started to write my phone began to play Earned It, Jake's ringtone. I picked up and said

"Hello Jake."

"Hey baby, what you doing?"

Obviously I couldn't tell him what I was really working on so I said

"A project for school."

"Cool, so my birthday's next week and-"

"I know."

"I know you know, but you don't know that my dad and my brother want to meet you."

"What about your mom?"

"She was killed in the rouge attack that made me and my pack move her when I was in middle school"he said sadly.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know"I said with the same amount of sadness.

"It's OK, but what I was saying earlier, my dad and my brother want to meet you so would you like to go to my birthday dinner?"

"Yea, sure. By the way I have a surprise for you after the dinner"I said, wondering if I should sing the song too all three of them or just Jake.

"OK, I'm looking forward to it. I'll text you the details later."

"OK, bye"I said, hanging up.

Now I have two things to do: finish the song and decide if I want too sing all three of them or just Jake. Oh wait, third thing: I need to decide on the perfect outfit for the dinner so I make the best first impression I can.

My phone beeped signaling that I had a text.

I looked at my phone and saw that Jake had texted me the details:

My address is 203 Worthington Dr.

I'll pick you up at 5:00.

The dinner's Monday.

Great, I have about 2 days to do everything I need to do to get ready for the dinner.

This is going to be a busy two days.


*2 days later*

I finally finished the song, yay!

I also decided that I'm going to sing to all three of them.

Right now me and Ruby are looking for the perfect outfit.

I would have asked Summer but she told me yesterday that she was going somewhere with her family.

Ruby and me looked through my closet until we found the most awesome outfit in the short amount of time we had.

I put on the floral print dress, brown ankle boots, silver medallion pendant, then walked to my vanity where Ruby did my makeup. Then she did my hair; she left half of it down and put the rest of it into three braids on each side that tied together in the back to make a ponytail.

(A/N Winter's outfit above)

"Well, I got to get home. Ever since my brother got arrested, my mom wants me home before the street lights come on"Ruby says, grabbing her purse.

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