Chapter 20(Unedited)

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Chapter 20:Mysterious Powers

*Jake's POV*

As soon as Winter started to sway, I ran over to her.

Alex ran to my side right when she passed out.

"We got her now boys!"Alex yelled to his pack.

I growled at him and stood over her naked body,

"Don't you dare touch her!"

"I will do what I please, thank you very much"he said, trying to take Winter from me.

"Not if it involves Winter"I said, lunging at him.

I pushed him to the ground and started to punch him multiple times.

He was about to kick me off when I heard a sweet voice say,

"Boys, stop fighting."

I turned around and saw Winter getting up.

I threw my shirt at her and she looked confused until she looked down and blushed.

She quickly put my shirt on and walked to my side.

"So, why are we fighting?"she said, smiling.

"Because, this nasty prick"I said, gesturing to Alex"Was trying to take you."

"Jake, don't call people nasty pricks, and Alex, it's not nice to try to take beautiful girls that are unconscious"Winter said calmly, smiling in a way I've never seen before.

"Sorry"Alex mumbled, sounding like he actually meant it.

"Sorry"I murmured softly.

"Now, Alex, I would be so grateful if you could call off your rogues"said Winter, gesturing towards his pack.

"No"Alex said, smirking, walking towards one of his pack members.

"Fine"Winter said with a smirk of her own.

She lifted her hand and turned towards the river behind us.

The water slowly lifted up and, with Winter's hand guiding it, went to Alex then drenched him.

Everyone in the clearing, even Winter, looked surprised at what she had just done.

She quickly recovered and brought more water from the river to drench Alex.

Just as Winter was about to bring water from the river for a third time, Alex finally cried out,

"Stop, please stop!"

His pack members looked shocked that he said 'please' but didn't voice their thoughts, instead they went to help their alpha of the ground.

"Let me help you dry off"Winter said, both smirking and grinning.

Suddenly, a gust of win ran flew over the clearing.

Alex was covered by a tornado of dirt, wind, leaves, and twigs.

"Did that help?"asked Winter.

She was smiling, but it didn't look like a happy smile, it was a cruel, mean smile that only rogues had.

I whispered in her ear,"Why are you doing this?"

The cruel smile remained on her beautiful face but she stopped making the small tornado around Alex.

While Alex's pack members made sure he was okay, I tried to wipe the smile off Winter's delicate face.

I kissed her passionately, and when I pulled back she wasn't smiling cruelly, she was smiling happily.

Lions, Tigers, and Werewolves!Oh My!(Very Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now