Chapter 27

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Chapter 27:Part Of The Pack

*Winter's POV*

I sensed the tension between the girls and their mates. We were all snarling at the boys but it was obvious that each girl was mad at a single boy. Summer's focus was directed towards Brandon; Ruby's toward Jason; Lisa's towards Chris; and Ava's towards Spencer. Since I wasn't mad at Jake anymore I was snarling at Spencer alongside Ava; Spencer is my brother and he hurt one of my best friends.

Maya doesn't have a mate anymore so she was snarling at all of the boys; as a sort of moral support for the girls.

Jake's voice was soothing and persuasive,"How about we just talk this out, instead of growling at each-other; it's not getting us anywhere."

I looked at my friends and said for us,"We'll talk if they do."

I pointed at where the boys where standing, their expressions mixed with hurt, anger, and sadness.

"Jason, you first."

"Well,"he looked straight at Ruby as he talked,"I saw Ruby hanging out with Brian. She hadn't been hanging out with me lately. I closed my eyes to calm down and when I opened them, Ruby's mouth was on Brian's."

Ruby quickly snapped,"The only reason I wasn't hanging out with you was because you were ignoring me. Brian saw me looking sad and asked what was wrong. I told him you weren't talking to me and he started to comfort me. I didn't know he was going to kiss me!"

"So what you're saying is that Brian kissed you, you didn't  kiss Brian?"Jake's voice was calm and loud as it cut through the silence.

"Exactly"Ruby said, staring pointedly at Jason.

There was a blur of blonde hair and tanned skin but in an instant, Jason was standing in front of Ruby, kissing her passionately.

"I think they solved their problem"I whispered to Ava. I said it as one of those whispers where you meant everyone to hear.


We had the ceremony this morning. Maya is now officially  part of the pack. We were going to have it yesterday but yesterday my friends and the boys were still fighting so we had to postpone it till today.

(BTW, this is a day later than the paragraphs before "~*~*~")

An unfamiliar feminine voice calling,"MAYA!", broke my thoughts.

Maya quickly raced from her spot on my bed, down the stairs, and towards what I'm guessing is our new renovated living room. Maya clearly knows the owner of that voice, I'm guessing that's her sister.

"Winter, come down here!"Maya yelled giddily.

I took my sweet time going down our steps; I wasn't feeling too good and I really didn't want to fall.

Once I finally made it to the bottom of the steps, Maya's soft hands dragged me so that I was standing in front of a fairly tall blonde-haired girl.

"This is my sister Elise"Maya introduced proudly.

I held out my hand to the girl but she surprised me by encircling me in a hug. Elise's hands felt rough on the part of my skin she was touching; my shirt had raised up a bit when she hugged me.

"Nice to meet you,"Maya's sisters voice was deeper than most girls'. It was a little gravelly but it didn't look like Elise cared what her voice sounded like.

"Idea!"Maya's voice squealed."How about we have a girls day?"

Maya and Elise didn't look like the type of girls that would want to have a girls day; their hair was styled into a pixie cut, they both had obvious muscle, there was something intimidating about both of them, and I hadn't known Elise for a long time but she already seemed like someone who just didn't have even a hint of girly-girl in them. Nevertheless, they both squealed loudly at the idea and Elise even shouted"Hell ya!."

We were quickly pushed into Elise's Yukon. I don't know where we were headed but Elise was sure as he'll urgent to get there. I thought we might of been going to a mall or a spa or something. Instead we pulled up to a large brick building with a sign in front of it that said,"Rick's Bowling Alley", in bold letters. I guess Maya and Elise really weren't girly-girls. My impressions about them, my first ones-not the ones from a few minutes ago-, were right.

Elise, clearly very exited to go bowling, yelled"Hell ya mother-fu**ers, let's get our bowl on!"

"Your sister really likes bowling!"I whisper-yelled at Maya.

She just smiled and pulled down her black t-shirt that said,"Just Do It", with the Nike symbol below it. She and Summer got along great; they both weren't exactly the most talkative people in the world. Which was good because the rest of friends could talk for hours on end.

I didn't even notice the glass door to the bowling alley was closed until I crashed right into it. My forehead felt like it was about to explode. I don't know why; normally shifters have a higher pain tolerance level. I've been hit with a glass bottle a bunch of times one time-it was a dare- and didn't feel a thing. But now, I can feel the gooey red liquid called blood making its way down my forehead. As a little bit of it passes my nose I smelled its salty-metallic waft. I'm just glad the trickle of sparkly red substance couldn't make its way into my mouth before Maya handed me a tissue. I cleaned up the blood that was by my chin and wiped of the other bits of blood on my face.

I whirled around to see that a few people were staring at me in worry-maybe there was still blood on my face?

Maya saw my confused look and mind-linked me,"We don't know who they are but they saw you knock into the door and asked us if you were okay, they look like they really care."

I stared at the group of strangers a few seconds more before grabbing Maya and Elise's arms and pulling them into the bowling alley.
Hope you like the chapter!

I forgot that this wasn't the chapter with the surprise, it's the next two chapters!

Love y'all!






Lions, Tigers, and Werewolves!Oh My!(Very Slowly Editing)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon