Chapter 18(Unedited)

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Chapter 18:Beta And Third

*Winter's POV*

As of today, January 24,2012, me and Jake will become the alpha and Luna of our pack in two weeks.

My phone ringing lighted up the dark room.

"Hello?"I said, without checking the caller I.D.

"Hey dude"Austin's somewhat deep voice replied.

"Why are you calling me"I asked"I'm studying and Jake is at school."

"I wasn't calling about my best-friend, I was calling about my little sister."

"Ya right, what do you want from me?"I asked, writing down an equation in my math book.

"Okay, so this is about both of you, technically; me and Melony want to join your pack."

"Okay, that's fine with me"I said, walking to the kitchen and grabbing some cookies out of the pantry.

"Cool, can you ask Jake when he gets home?"Austin asked.

"You call him, he should be on his break right now and I need to study."

"That's the thing, me and him got in a fight yesterday and haven't talked to each other since, so I was kinda hoping you could talk to him about it."

"Seriously, y'all are 24(Austin) and 23(Jake) year old men and you can't talk this out like civilized people?!"I yelled, munching on a cookie.

"Fine, fine, I'll call him, say I'm sorry and ask the question. Happy?"

"Very"I replied, hanging up.

*Jake's POV*

I opened the front door to see Austin and his mate, Melony.

"Hey come on in"Winter said from behind me.

We walked into the dining room and sat down.

Winter brought in pasta and bread.

She walked to the cabinet where we keep the champagne glasses and took four out.

She set them on the table then opened a bottle of wine and poured us all some. She drank a sip then said,

"Cheers"and raised her glass.

We all clinked glasses and drank wine and ate our dinner.

Once I had finished I said,

"Austin, you and Melony can join the pack in two weeks, the same day we become the Alphas because I wanted to ask you something; wanna be my beta?"I asked, getting down on one knee when I asked to pretend like I was proposing.

"Sure, who's the Third?"he asked, rolling his eyes at my theatrics.

"Once I become alpha, my friend Michael Taylor. He was my fifth grade teachers son."

"Cool, well I have to go, Melony needs me to take her somewhere"he said, standing up.

"Aussie, let's go"Melony called from the front door.

"You might want to go, the only time she calls you Aussie is when she's getting impatient"I said, patting him on the back and pushing him towards the hallway that leads to the front door.

I heard the door slam shut.

I felt Winter's presence behind me,

"How come I've never met Michael?"

"Because, he's either with his mate, Avery, or training"I replied"Unless you look for him, you're not going to find him."

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