Chapter 10(Unedited)

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Chapter 10:The Birthday

*Winter's POV*

"Happy Birthday!"Megan, Spencer, Austin, Xavier, Jake, Ruby, and Summer screamed.

Today was September 3rd, my birthday. It was two days after Jake and I went on our date. Right now Megan, Spencer, Austin, Xavier, Jake, Ruby, and Summer were entertaining me until my parents finished setting up whatever they were doing for my birthday.

"So, how does it feel to be 18?"Ruby asked me.

"Awesome, though technically, I'm not eighteen until 1:05pm and it's only 11:00"I replied dramatically.

"Ya, ya, ya."

"Hey Megan, do you know when Mom and Dad are going to be back?"I asked, turning around to face my sister.

"Ya, they should be home in a few minutes."

"Cool, do you guys wanna watch a movie?"I asked everybody.

"Ya, sure"they replied.

Just as I was about to put the Despicable Me DVD in the DVD player, my parents burst through the door, interrupting the conversation between me and my friends.

"Happy Birthday Winter"my parents said excitedly.

"Thanks"I said, standing up to hug them.

"So what are gonna do today?"I asked my parents because they were the ones that planned out what we were going to do.

I said I could help but they insisted on doing everything themselves because, and I quote, "I was their little girl and because I was turning 18, they wanted to do one last nice thing for their little girl before she went to college".

"You're going to go upstairs and change, because you are not going to the zoo in a tank-top and shorts."

"We're going to the zoo?!"I asked my parents excitedly.

If you couldn't tell, I love the zoo. I love seeing all the animals and going to the gift shop.

"Yep"my parents said"now go change."

I went upstairs and took a shower then looked for a good outfit.

After about ten minutes of searching for an outfit, I finally found a good one.

The outfit contained a mint double-layers crop top, a black pleated skirt, black converse hi-tops, and black bead drop earrings.

Once I put on the clothes, shoes, and earrings, I walked over to my makeup table and put on lip-gloss, mascara, and eyeliner then put my hair into a high ponytail.
(Winter's outfit above)

As I walked downstairs, I could hear my family and friends talking about some surprise for me but I couldn't tell exactly what the surprise was.

When I entered the room, they all stopped talking and parents asked if everybody was ready to go.

We all said yes and walked outside, getting into the cars my parents told us to ride in.

Jake and I were in Jake's truck. Spencer, Austin, and Xavier were in Spencer's truck. My parents were driving in their car and Megan was going in her car.

"Can we see the elephants now?"Megan asked.

We have been at the zoo for one hour and so far have seen tigers, lions, monkeys, manatees, alligators, crocodiles, all kinds of birds, and three types of bears.

Lions, Tigers, and Werewolves!Oh My!(Very Slowly Editing)Where stories live. Discover now