Chapter 5(Unedited)

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Chapter 5: I accept you as my.....

*Winter's POV*

Jake wasn't the school's Golden Boy, he wasn't a player, and he wasn't a jock. He was far from a bad-boy; he didn't smoke, didn't party very much, didn't drink except for at the few parties he went to, and didn't have a motorcycle. I know that's not what classifies a person as a bad-boy but I'm just telling you that he doesn't do any of those things.

It's hard to put Jake in one category because ,ya, he was good-looking and popular but that doesn't mean he never got in trouble. If I was in a life-and-death situation and I was offered a choice: put Jake in a category or die ,I would obviously choose to categorize him, I did say it was hard but I never said it was impossible. What was I talking about again?

"How you would categorize our cheating son of a biscuit(I give Cherry_Cola_x full credit for "son of a biscuit", I love her book; TBBSMB) mate" Addie informed me angrily.

Me and Addie are mad at Jake for kissing another girl, especially Eleanor. Anyways back to the topic, I would describe Jake as a popular, nice, and very handsome delinquent.

Apparently, I was very caught up in my thoughts because when  I finally snapped out of thoughts Jake wasn't kissing  Eleanor instead he was standing a few feet in front of me.

*Jake's POV*

As soon as I smelt the intoxicating scent of apples and honey I stopped kissing Eleanor and turned towards were the smell was coming from. And there, about seven feet in front of me was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her wavy dark brown hair came down do the middle of her back. Her cerulean blue eyes shined brightly even though there wasn't very much light. She had curves that made me want her so badly. She wasn't short probably 5'7" but she was still shorter than me, I was 6'3". She was wearing a blue crop top that sent my wolf, Asher, into over-protective mode saying"she's showing too much skin"over and over in my head. Her black skinny jeans were tucked into black combat boots, the black leather jacket she was wearing completed the hot bad-ass look.

She looked to be deep in thought so I walked closer so that I was only a couple feet away from her. Her eyes held anger and sadness and I knew that she saw me kissing Eleanor. When she finally snapped out of her thoughts and realized I was only standing a couple feet away from her she started shouting at me, using  colorful words in her sentences.

"You little d**khead, you are such an a**hole, you know that right?"

"I-"I started to say but she cut me off by once again shouting.

"No you probably don't know that because your too busy shoving your tongue down Eleanor's throat to pay attention to class"

"But I-"she once again interrupted me by.....shouting.

"Your such a damn jack***, you know that right?"

But this time she didn't even let me say a word before continuing.

"Don't answer that. I can't believe the moon goddess put me with you, you little son of a b**ch."

"You done?"I asked her happy she finally stopped cursing, I didn't want that pretty little mouth of hers yelling such bad words.

"Ya"she replied, thankfully not yelling.

"So whats your name dollface"I asked her. I knew her name, I'm not that bad of a mate that after going to the same school as my mate since freshman year I don't know her name, I wanted just wanted to see how she would react.

"Winter Rose Zara Hathaway"she answered.

I was surprised, after hearing her curse so much earlier I didn't think she could be so civil. I mean we have gone to the same school for four years and we used to be partners in chemistry last year, we also had two classes together this year.

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