Chapter 25(Unedited)

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Chapter 25:Cheating

*Jake's POV*

Mates don't normally cheat on each other but lately, Winter hasn't been acting like a mate. Under most circumstances I would never cheat on Winter but right now I'm mad at her for ruining my meeting with the elders. I almost made a deal with them then she destroyed it. I needed a way to relieve my stress and this was one way to do it.

Eleanor moaned as I trailed my cold fingertips along her stomach while kissing along her jaw.
*Winter's POV*

Normally I would never cheat on Jake but right now I'm pissed and drunk and need a way to relieve my anger.

My friends were to drunk to stop me as I went into the back of some bar with a guy that bumped into me and immediately caught my interest.

I could tell Maya was sober enough to stop me and wanted too, but she didn't, just took another drink and continued talking to Summer.

The guy who had said his name was Jayden pushed me against the wall. I let out a quiet moan as he sucked on my neck. I smelled the pine undertone and realized he was a werewolf. When he reached the spot where my mark was, I could feel his incisors coming out. I thought he wasn't going to do anything but his teeth started poking at my sensitive spot. I immediately flew off the wall and ran back to my friends. I was mad at Jake but if someone marks you over your mates mark, that mark is permanent and can't be replaced even by another mark from your real mate.
(Sorry if this is confusing or doesn't make sense. Btw's, I made the whole second mark thing up.)

"What happened?"Lisa slurred, looking worried.

"We should go!"I said dragging them behind me.

We got into the can that brought us to club Tove Low and told him the address for Lisa's house. Chris was out on Beta business and wouldn't be back till tomorrow. Lisa wanted to go with him but I'm glad she didn't.

"Let's party!"Ava yelled. Out of all of us she was the one who was the most drunk so Maya-the least drunk-was making sure she didn't get to loud. But now that we're in an empty house, she could be as loud as she wants. I could tell Maya was happy about that; it looked pretty stressful to have to be keeping Ava quiet all the time-Ava was very loud. Especially when she's drunk.

In attempts to get even more drunk, we opened up Lisa and Chris' wine cellar and grabbed a couple of bottles. I only drank a sip of my glass, thinking about the guy who was close to marking me. Maya didn't drink much either. Ava, Lisa, and Ruby drowned their glasses. Summer sipped on hers, looking at her phone occasionally.

Maya noticed the look on Summer's face and asked,"Are you okay?"

Summer's head snapped up from her phone and I looked at her IPhone 5. I saw that her messaging app was open and she was texting Brandon. Her last text was from 5 minutes ago but he hadn't replied to any of her texts since yesterday.

Sadly Summer said,"Not really. Brandon hasn't talked to me for two days and before he stopped talking to me he was ignoring me for three days."

I gasped quietly,"Why would he do that?"

Ava interrupted,"Winter, I have something to tell you!"

"Okay, what is it?"I asked worriedly. I hope she's okay. I really hope this isn't about Spencer and her.

She cringed"Well, it's about Spencer and me, he hasn't been talking to me much lately and yesterday I caught him kissing Ally."

Ally is one of the nicest girls in my pack, I don't understand why she would let Spencer kiss her; she knows Spencer has a mate.

"Question,"Maya said, drinking a small sip of wine,"Are all of your mates ignoring, not taking to you, or cheating on you?"

She looked at Ava, Lisa, and Ruby when she said this.

They all burst out in tears and through their sobs I heard a quiet "yes" from each one of them.

Maya and me gasped. At the club I got a glass of water so I was a tad bit less drunk now even though I had that small sip of water. I was planning on drinking a lot of water later so that when I woke up in the morning, which was only a couple of hours away from now since it was about 11:07 right now, I wouldn't be completely hung over.

I saw Maya slip a glass of water while the rest of us were getting wine out of Lisa's cellar so I'm pretty sure we're going to be the least hung over.

"Why would they do that?"I asked sadly.

I've known all of those boys for years and they've never done anything like that before.

"I don't know!"they exclaimed still sobbing.

A few seconds later even me and Maya were sobbing.

I grabbed waters for all of us and carefully walked up the stairs with Lisa, Maya, Ruby, Ava, and Summer following close behind.

We fell on Lisa and Chris' bed with a sigh and after me and Maya convinced everyone else to drink at least a sip of water, we were out like a light.
*Jake's POV*

I looked behind me and saw that Eleanor was still running after me.

Jeez, I try to relieve some stress and now she thinks I want to be with her.

News flash, just because I had a quickie with her doesn't mean I love her. I still love Winter and always will.

So Eleanor needs to get that into her     small head.

A small hand grabbed my shoulder.

"Why didn't you stay?"Eleanor asked, breathless from running.

"Look Eleanor, I don't like you, I love Winter, so leave me alone."

I could see the rage building in her face. I felt a sharp pain in my cheek and realized that she slapped me.

She screamed at me to go away and I did.

I ran all the way back to my house, forgetting that my car was parked in front of Eleanor's house.

I ran up to me and Winter's room.

I opened the door and opened my mouth to say"I'm sorry"but the words never came. Because Winter wasn't there.
Second chapter in a day? I'm on a roll!

If I get at least one positive comment I will write a third!

Love y'all!






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