I walked into the tent and saw Niall already digging in.  “Save some for the crew” I said joking around.  He flicks me off and keeps digging in.  I look at all the food and decided on an apple.  I was eating when I saw Jason talking to Scott.  It looked like Scott was about to cry.  Jason kept sticking his finger into Scott’s chest before he walked away.  Scott just looked down at the ground clenching his fists.

I walk over to him.  He sees me approaching and tries to smile.  “You ok?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

“Just peachy” he replied sarcastically.  “Jason just telling me everything I’m doing wrong”

“You haven’t even done anything yet!” I said surprisingly defensively for him.  It seemed to have surprised him also.

“Thanks” he said looking at the ground again

“Scott? Scott?!” some guy was shouting.  “O Scott there you are”.  He came over to us, he was a middle aged guy who seemed to full of energy.  “Wow you look amazing! Just what I pictured!”

“Thanks Stan” he said blushing “O this is Harry Styles of One Direction”

“Of course our esteemed guests” he said shaking my hand very enthusiastically  “I actually have a job for you if you’re interested” he said.

“Of course anything you need” I replied excited 

“Well follow me and I’ll give you your job” he said walking out of the tent

I was about to leave when I turned back around and faced Scott. “Go get ‘em” I said punching his shoulder.  With that I left to go find Stan to find out my job.

It turns out my job was the person who does the snapboard to start the scene.  We were all waiting around for Scott to finish getting ready.  We all looked up when people were leaving the tent, I’m assuming his personal stylists.  Behind them all came Scott, he literally looked like a young 007.  He now had a blue blazor on, inside his coat I could see a gun holster.  He looked completely different, he literally transformed from the person I hung out with last night.  I felt so intimidated, he was already in character.

When he got over to his spot to start the director started talking again.  “Ok everyone, this scene is pivotal to the whole movie.  Scott will be repelling down the building to stop Dr. Ban’s evil plan.  Is everyone set?  Lights, Camera, Action.”

With that I said my role “Scott repels down building, scene 43, take 1”  I ran off behind the camera and stood next to Stan. 

I could tell why Stan picked Scott, he played the role so well as if he really was about to go stop Dr. Ban.  Scott started setting up his harness and stood on the side of the building looking down.  The camera rotated around him getting all of the suspense, when the camera got to a spot he swan dived off the side of the building.  I almost forgot this was a movie and jumped a little actually thinking he was diving off the building. 

After a minute has passed the director yelled cut.  I ran to the side of the building looking down.  He was hanging down 50 feet, no safety net or anything… how could he do this?  They reeled him up and all the other guys rushed up behind me.\

“That was awesome!!” Liam said

“Weren’t you scared?!” Niall asked

“Not really, it’s actually a lot of fun” He said back “We still have a couple more takes so gotta go again”

“You have to do that again?” I asked

“Yup” he said smiling

He did the scene 6 more times.  Every time it got better and better.  I thought it was perfect the first time but he surprised me again and again.  He did different kinds of flips off the side, almost as if he’s a diver for the Olympic team.

One Direction to the RescueWhere stories live. Discover now