NO Change

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well, its all almost over, i know i said this before right now i am legitimately almost crying. honestly. there is ^^^^^^ the song you should listen to when you read this! well, read on minions, VOTE, COMMENT, FAN, eat...French toast. xoxo

i sat in my room, on my phone.

scrolling through Facebook.

i clicked on a Meme. i hated those Meme's that are like, 'people always think they know me, but they have no idea how many scars i have.' they annoy me so much, i don't really know why.

"hey, i didn't know you were on FACEBOOK!" Katie screamed at me.

i grunted.

i immediately received a notification saying: Katie Whelan sent you a friend request.

i confirmed and scrolled through her page.

i took a look through her friends looking for Maddie, i found her a little way down.

Maddie Smith. i friended her and she friended me back almost straight away.


my phone made the little popping noise, notifying me that Facebook had news.

Maddie had messaged me.

Maddie: hey gurl! hows it there?!

Me: hell-ish

Maddie: shut up. i watched a bit of it yesterday and i saw the bit from the day where we went to the water park

Me: lol which bit

Maddie: you and Lou on the massive water slide! its hilarious!

Me: lmao. oh sorry Mad gotta go. Toad is calling us  (:0)

Maddie: lol tell her i say hi.

i grinned and then me and Katie went down to see what she wanted.

it tuned out she just wanted to make sure we didn't go wandering of into LA.

we went into the living room and sat down.

it was empty, and Katie turned to me.

"okay, we've got to talk." she looked oddly serious.

"yeah?" i was kind of nervous.

"i know that Louis likes you more then friends. and i know you like him too."

i started to protest but she slapped her hand over my mouth and continued calmly.

"you might not like him as much as he likes you but you do have some feelings for him. and well, i think you should...jump on dat shit, gurllll!" she ended excitedly.

"excuse me?" i stared, non-plussed at her.

"your lucky. Louis is nice and he's funny and you get on great. your lucky. so, don't do anything stupid, okay? just..." she sighed, "take everything into consideration before you make any decisions, okay?"

"fine." i nod.

"ok. good." she sat back and went onto her phone.

i thought about what she said for a while and then stood up to find food.

but, while i was in the kitchen i turned in direction.

i ran upstairs and up to the top of the house.

i walked past Millie and Toad's office door and over to the five doors where the boy's names were.

i walked over to Louis' and was about to knock when it flew open.

Louis looked surprised to see me there.

"hey, Jord. i was going to find the lads. i think they went out to the pool. you wanna come?" he looked at me.

i sighed, rolling my eyes and cringing slightly of the idea of what i was about to do.

bracing myself, i threw my arms around his neck.

i know im probably the opposite of every other girl in the universe but all i could think about while i kissed him, was the fact i must look incredibly stupid here.

i then grabbed his arm and pulled him down too the kitchen. the house was deserted as everyone had gone out to the pool. i noticed a bowl of gummy bears and ate one.

"okay." i turned to face him, "i'll date you. we'll do all of the dating stuff, because it seems that like that. but, don't expect everything to change okay?" i stared at him.

"uh..sure?" he was looking to confused to compute what i was saying.

"good. so, im going to be just as mean, sarcastic, cold, and indifferent as i ever was. okay?"

he was grinning now, "Jord, i don't want you to turn into some soppy girl!"

"well that good because i don't plan on it. im not going to get soppy or lovestruck. we're not going to have fights about how much we love each-other because i find it revolting and generally sickening. and we are also not going to have stupid phone conversations about how beautiful we are. and your not, i repeat NOT going  to get me flowers or teddy bears or-" i started listing.

he sat there grinning at me.

"and if you tell me im beautiful, or lovely, or sexy i will hit you. hard. if you ever call me: babe, or baby, or sweetheart or baby-girl i will end you. seriously don't call me Baby-girl. don't do it. don't turn soppy or sentimental, or overemotional. i can barely handle the emotion you have now." i paused to take a breath.

"okay, i think you've talk enough. i don't expect you to change at all! okay? i promise not to call you any of those things and i will hold back on the human contact and emotional talk. happy?" he grinned.

"okay. okay. just..theres gonna be NO change. okay?"

"okay." he smiled.

"also, i don't want you getting a big head just because i decided to date you. your really not that hot." i smirked.

i ate another gummy bear.

i leaned in a kissed him.

"no change?" i stared at him.

"no change." he grinned down at me.

"your looking at me all lovestruck. i don't like it!" i snarled.

and i proceeded to stuff a gummy bear up Louis Tomlinson's nose.

it's actually over. i feel empty. inside. it was an adorable chapter. i didn't want Jord to become all like 'OMG my boyfriend is so hot.' she stays herself which i like. i can't believe it's over! well, thank you so much for the votes and comments! im gonna go and click the COMPLETED button! OMG! VOTE, COMMENT, EAT GUMMY BEARS! XOXO

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