Human Contact

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thanks everyone for the comments, votes. we have 112 votes! wow. im astonished. ok, well, PLEASE please, tell your friends about this book, it literally would mean all of the pizza in the world to me.. <3 xoxo

 "Jord, get up. we're all bored without your racy comments keeping us alive." 

i heard a voice say, and my bed springs groaned as someone sat down at my feet.

"whatdoyouwant..?" i mumbled.

"get up."  

i looked up, and saw a curly-haired someone along with a beaming blonde.

i groaned and rolled over, getting comfortable.

"NO! she's getting cosy!" Niall yelled.

"did you just say 'she's getting cosy'?" i smirked, sitting up.

"yes. i like the word cosy. okay? i also like the word snug. do you have a problem with that?" he grinned back.

"yeah, let him be himself! god, Jord." Curly said, pretending to be angry.

"why are you guys so annoying.?" i said, getting up.

"we are beautiful." Niall murmured, going through my bedside cabinet.

"um. what are you doing?" i stared at him.

"Haha! i found your stash!" he said, opening the cupboard revealing my hoard of snacks.

"NO!" i yelled diving across the room, wrenching him away from my cubbyhole.

"gurl, you are strong!" he laughed after i had finished locking up my cabinet.

"i work out." i said, i then started singing, "i was up in the gym just workin' on my fitness, he's my witness!"

they stared at me, nonplussed.

"you know? the song?!" i said, gaping at them.

they gazed back, looking slightly mocking.

"don't you know Fergie?" i said, dumbfounded.

"what's a Fergie?" Niall looked interested, as though he thought it was some kind of bird.

"she is a singer." i searched through my phone and finally found one of her songs, Fergalicious.

they listened for a second and then nodded their approval.

 "she's awesome." they grinned.

"she sang with The Black Eyed Peas for ages." i said, as we walked down to the kitchen.

"whats The Black Eyed Peas?"Harry stared at me.

"hey, remind me to introduce you to someone." i said, cramming my mouth.

"who?" Harry looked interested.

"Music!" i glared at him.

"hey?! we play in a boyband." Niall elbowed me.

"yeah, yeah. and you sing little songs about how pretty your girl-friends are, yata yata yata." i said, in a bored voice.

"thats not all!" Harry whined.

"okay, what is...." i googled some of their song names, "Little Things about?"

"'s not about a girl.." Niall mumbled.

" 'i won't let these little things slip out of my mouth, but if i do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to, im in love with you.' still saying that isn't about a girl?" i said, reading the lyrics of off a website.

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