Water Park!

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heyyy! wasup, ily sooo much! thank u my bbys! there is a pic of the water slide^^^^ thank u all for voting!ly :P xoxo <3 <3

"Mr T, Mr S? we have arrived at our destination." said the driver, reminding me of a navigation system.

the iphone in my pocket buzzed.

CharlieBucket: im Netflix asf. fm. fuck.

i stared at the text trying to make scene of it.

you know when people send you an abbreviations? and you have know idea what their abbreviating? i was kind of in one of those situation.

i nudged Katie.

"he's says 'im Netflix as fuck. fuck me. fuck.' you've got some real classy friends, there, Jord." she smirked.

"yeah, yeah. i know. they think my mom is a MYRF." i sighed remembering that day in the gym.

"oh Jesus." Katie laughed.

the two lads climbed out and helped Beth out, who pretended to fall, and were now calling to us.

Katie climbed out, letting Louis help her out by the hand.

as i clambered out, Harry held out his arm.

"yeah, i can manage to get out by myself. don't worry your pretty little head about it." i grimaced.

"i know your trying to insult me, but in the process you called me pretty, so-" he winked.

"it wasn't meant to be complimentary."

"oh, i think it was." he smirked.

"nope, sorry."

i hopped out of the van, knocking Harry out of the way.

and then, as i looked around, my jaw dropped.

this water park was the most amazing i had ever seen, and that was saying something.

last summer, me, Charlie, Andrew and James had pooled our money together and gone to Florida. it had taken a lot of money but, we had gone.

we had literally gone to every water park in Florida. well, every GOOD water park.

this one was something else. and one of the best things, was that it was completely deserted, apart from the few life guards.

grinning like a psychopath, i pulled of my t-shirt, trainers and socks and started sprinting towards one of the rides.

i vaguely aware that the two other cars were here.

i heard Katie behind me, laughing maniacally.

the ride that i was currently haring too, was huge. it started roughly 70 foot of the ground.

yep, i know. big right.

there were steps all the way up to the top, where a life guard was sitting.

Katie left with Harry to do a donut ride.

i clambered up to the top of the ride.

i heard somebody coming up behind me, i looked back to see Louis tearing up behind me.

i stood at the top, there was wind up here, it blew through my shorts and hair.

i retied my hair and shivered slightly.

"after you?" he gestured.

"ahh! i see, your terrified." i grinned, even though inside, i was petrified at the idea of throwing myself down a seventy foot slide with only the side to hold on to, and land in a deep pool of cold water.

NO Change /One Direction FF/ Completed/Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora