Death Wish, Keep Breathing, Don't Puke

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Ok! here is the new chapter. yay. OK! okay. does anyone else think theres a really big difference between OK and OKAY? just me? okay. ok. anyway. i really hope you enjoy this chapter, and i hope its kinda funny? ily xoxo

"okay, what first?" Katie was looking at me, as i gazed around.

i pointed to a roller coaster.

it was called Death Wish.

i stared at it in wonder, it was huge, the steep falls were crazy, i gazed at it.

"have you got a desire to die?" she asked, pleasantly.

i grinned like a lunatic.

"I'll go with you?!" Louis came up to us.

"yeah! me too!" Harry smirking, came darting up to us.

"okay, then! you can all go and kill yourselves, im going on that Batman ride!" Katie grinned, Maddie mumbled something and went with her. Liam and Niall belted after them.

"our we the only ones going on that one then?" Harry looked around.

i nodded as everyone else looked at it, dauntingly.

i charged over to the guy standing by it.

the amusement park, like the water park, was deserted. so there were no lines.

"how many?" the guy said.

"three." Louis said, throwing some paper notes at the guy.

"i can pay for myself, thanks." i said, fishing in my pocket.

"too late!" he stuck his tongue out at me.

we sat in the seats, and were strapped in.

inside i was actually quite panicky.

but, i wasn't about to show it.

the ride started.

it was a let down.

it was so slow, it rattled by, the three of us sat there feeling stupid as the ride snailed by.

"this is so boring!" Harry moaned, he had barely gotten the words out when the ride went about about 70 miles per hour.

before i could stop myself i let out a scream.

regretting it immediately, when Louis whispered in my ear;

"do you need to hold on to me?"

without even regarding what he said, i promptly elbowed him in the face. 

he roared with pain, but, nobody heard it.

the ride was tilting from side to side, up and down, it turned over and stopped abruptly.

it then shot forward like a bullet.

just keep breathing, i told myself.

and try not to puke.

we were thrown forward, the ride pelted along, it felt as if the seats we were glued to were going to fly of.

the carriage felt as though it was about to fly of the rails. we turned upside down, and the ride stopped suddenly.

we dangled, suspended, upside down in mid air. 

it rapidly started up again.

i starting to feel nauseous, and queasy.  

i glanced at Harry, he was a delicate shade of pale green.

Louis seemed to still be surviving the ride without turning pea-green.

NO Change /One Direction FF/ Completed/Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz