I Made The Horan Boy Confused.

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Hey guys. There is ^^that Horan boy, all confused by Jordan's antics. Byeee xoxox

even Maddie, Katie and Tessa were freaking out.

out of all nine other girls here, they definitely seemed sanest, and yet here they were fanning themselves, fixing their hair and reapplying make up.

i looked around, entertaining myself, staring at all the girls.

the girl who had come up to me first, Lilian..or Lily..anyway she was fretting about whether her hair looked better up or down.

i sniggered.

"quick, Jord, black or red?" Katie was holding to hairbands up to her hair, asking my opinions.

"I honestly don't give a fu-" I started saying, glancing at the hairbands.

"Girls, before the boys come in we need to set a few rules. " Toad sat down on a couch, staring around ominously.

"This is merely an experiment to see how celebs interact with normal people. This is NOT a dating show." Millie frowned.

Almost all the girls looked at each other, sad.

I snorted with unattractive laughter at the thought of dating one of those cheesy cooky-cutter poptarts..I mean popstars, god I'm hungry...

I then started absentmindedly daydreaming about poptarts.

Millie and Toad droned on about how to conduct oneself in the bands presence.

And suddenly there was a great flurrie of movement.
It appeared that Millie and Toad had stopped talking and had opened the door wide.

There was a sharp intake of breath from the girls around me as five lads walked in.

I took enough time to notice they all had faces and bodies and the I promptly fell back into my fantastic fantasy about steaming, crunchy, sweet poptarts, springing out of a toaster. Done to perfection.

I didn't even notice that saliva that had materialized in my mouth.

I then moved on from poptarts.

To food in general.

I wasn't conscious that the girls had all swarmed to the boys like bee's to honey.

Okay not my best metaphor. Sorry.
I'll try better next time, I swear!


I was so busy thinking up better metaphors that I could've used, I wasn't aware that one of the boys had sat down next to me.

He seemed to be trying his best to get me to notice him without actually saying anything.

He kept grunting, groaning and sighing loudly.

I was oblivious.

After one particularly loud bleat, I looked up in annoyance .

"Do you need something?" I growled at him.

"Uh..no?" He looked genuinely frightened.

I was trying to remember his name.

I'm pretty sure its one of the L ones.

I started going through boys names that begun with L in my mind..Luke..Lewis..Louise..Lee..Larry...Liam..? Ooh, yes. Liam rung a bell.

"So, kid. Your Liam, right?" I said confidently.

"Uh, no. I'm Niall.." He stared at me.

Oh. Crap. Whoops.

"Yeah that's what I meant." I smirked.

Smooth, Jordon, Smooth.

"Anyway. What's your name?" He tried restarting the conversation with a small shake of his head, as though to clear it.

"Yennifer." I stated, suavely.

"Excuse me?" He looked so frankly bewildered, I took pity on him.

"Jordon." I said, a little hesitantly.

He smiled.

I had seen a few pictures of these boys. Involuntarily of course. On Memes and suchlike.

He didn't nearly look the same as he did in the pictures.

I guess that's what Photoshop does..

"Sooo. What's..." He tried talking to break the awkward silence, "..what's..your favorite One Direction song?" He asked.

Okay, so I know, and you know, that I'm quite mean, but I don't really want to offend him unless its necessary.

"Uh.." I pretended to be trying to pick one, when really, I was just trying to think of one of their names.."uh..you know..the one.." I thought hard..there was one about a fish, right? No, that's what Andrew thought it was about..what was its name..? " the one about...the girl." I ended lamely.

I was pretty safe here. 99 percent of their songs were about girls..I think? I don't even know!

"Do you mean Perfect? Or What makes you Beautiful?" He looked so excited to hear my response,.

"Uh..sure. Yeah. Hey, Food!" I jumped up and ran to a table I had just spotted in the corner.

It was laden with crisps, dip, Doritos, M&Ms, chicken wings, Pizza, Buffalo Wings and to my astonishment, not to mention euphoria, Poptarts.

I grabbed a paper plate and stuffed as many refreshments as would fit, on to it.

"Jord! The boys are SO nice! Right?"

I looked around, Tessa was standing behind me, beaming.

"Uh, sure. Why not." I muttered, concentrating on my snacks.

"I've talked to Harry, so hot, Louis, so funny and Niall, SO sweet!" She just sat in front of, smiling so hard I thought her face would over stretch.

"Okay relax. Uh, I need some help. I want to get sent home. I need some facts to use against them. So, come on. Shoot!" I looked at her.
"Oh! Um..Niall is the youngest one in the group and loves food, he's also 5 foot, 7 inches, Louis loves carrots and wants a chimpanzee, Harry loves old women and getting naked, Liam has a pair of pink hair straighteners and hates spoons, Zayn can't swim and loves Thriller by Michael Jackson-" she stopped for air.

"Okay, I'm sorted." I grinned.

I planned on, nicknaming Niall shorty, making mean jokes about chimpanzees in Louis presence, making fun of Harry's 'body', throw spoons at Liam and push Zayn into the pool..


That should get me thrown out.

I hope u like that chapter. Once again, thanks for reading. Please vote, comment eat ice cream. Love u's xoxo

NO Change /One Direction FF/ Completed/Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora