“Mind if I bum one?” he asks, nodding his head to the cigarette in between my fingers. I nod, pulling the pack back out, letting him take one before offering my lighter. Once lit, he takes a long drag before leaning his head back against the wall and letting the smoke out.

“Thanks,” he breathes. “I saw the door open and hoped someone was out here I could bum one off of. My girlfriend is trying to get me to quit,” he says as if I’d asked for an explanation. I nod my head, returning my own to my lips as I breathe in the fiery smoke.  We don’t say anything else and I like the fact that he’s fine with silence. Some people just couldn’t shut up and I generally ended up wanting to sock them in the face. I’d hate to have to do that to him. Might mess up those cheekbones. Someone else sticks their head out the door and I don’t recognize this person. Probably security or a stagehand or something. He seems surprised that there’s more than one person out here as he looks between Zayn and I.

“Zayn, you’re needed in the dressing room,” he says looking at the guy next to me. Hmm I preferred the name Cheekbones. “And you,” he says, turning to me. “Are you supposed to be out here?”

“Yes” I retort watching a flicker of annoyance cross his face. He knew I wasn’t but he’d asked anyways. He should have expected my answer.

“You should get back to wherever you’re supposed to be,” he responds as Zayn grinds out the cigarette. I roll my eyes, making no effort to move, instead taking another drag.

“I’ll see ya,” Zayn says as he steps through the door. “And thanks again.”

I nod my head and the two of them disappear from view as the door returns to its half open state. I only stay out a couple more minutes, long enough to finish off the cigarette, suddenly feeling bored of waiting out here before I slip back inside. I also didn’t want to risk that guy sending security to collect me.  I wander around the halls a bit, peeking into closed rooms and going down deserted hallways. I really just didn’t want to return to the boring room. I wasn’t keeping track of time, but some time later a security guy spots me turning the corner.

“Hey,” he shouts after me, jogging to catch up. “We’ve been looking for you everywhere. We need to get going,” he says, an annoyed expression on his face.  He begins pulling me down the hall until I yank my arm from his grasp, shooting him an annoyed expression of my own, returning to walking at my own pace.  I can tell he’s frustrated, but I really couldn’t care less as we meet up with my sister and some other security guy waiting in the hallway outside the room. She’s glaring daggers at me as we approach but I just shrug, allowing them to lead us to wherever it is we’re going next. We’re led into a mostly empty arena and seated in the front row. A couple seconds later, I jump in surprise as a scream rips through the arena. I look back in the direction of the noise to see a stampede of a hundred girls or so running towards us. I’m tempted to drop to the ground in the fetal position to avoid them before I realize they’re just running for seats and we aren’t actually going to be trampled. The band comes out a bit later to another scream and they begin fiddling around with their instruments, playing a few songs for the crowd. I take them in, noting that the drummer was actually pretty attractive. I wouldn’t mind hooking up with him in a club. I wonder if he was single… I’m distracted from my thoughts when a scream roars through the crowd and I look off to the side to see the boys emerge onto the stage. If the girls keep screaming every time something happens it was going to be a long night… They sing a couple songs and then let the girls ask questions. Varshitha doesn’t get a chance and I can tell she’s disappointed, but she really just needed to suck it up. She got to see them and actually talk to them yesterday. Finally we’re once again herded, with the rest of the girls this time, to another room for the Meet and Greet. Again, I don’t know what the point of us doing this was since Varshitha had met them the other day, but here we were, waiting in line for god knows how long. If only it was for Chris Brown or something. Then it might be worth it. We finally get to the front of the line and she rushes towards the boys who return her smile as they recognize her. I step to the side, beside the photographer and out of the picture.

“Aren’t ya gonna take the picture with us?” the blonde one says with a distinct irish accent. I shake my head. There wasn’t a chance on earth I’d do that. My friends would never let me live it down.

“Aww c’mon babe,” Curls says trying to woo me over with that dimpled smile. He oozed confidence and I could understand why people were drawn to him but it wouldn’t win me over. I shake my head again. Cheekbones seems to understand where I’m coming from and gives a nod while Shorty and the Leprechaun didn’t seem to care one way or another. Curls shrugs, turning his attention back to Varshitha while the one I’d talked to yesterday shoots me a disapproving glare. I roll my eyes at him and his frown deepens as the picture’s taken.

“Oh sorry, I wasn’t looking at the camera, could you take another please?” he says, snapping back to attention as he looks at the photographer. Wow looks like we got Mr Polite over here…The photographer obliges and he leans down to hug Varshitha as the picture is snapped. He shoots me another glare over Varshitha’s shoulder as she walks over to me and we’re led out again. What was his problem?


Yay an update! Hope you all like it so far. She's met the boys now. What do you think? She doesn't care much about knowing their names if you've noticed. I'm sure you all can guess which is which. If not... then... idk what to tell you..  

The picture is of what they ended up wearing to the club.

Let me know in the comments what you think of everyone so far. And don't forget to vote! :)

The President's Daughter (Liam Payne) Book 6Where stories live. Discover now