⊱Chapter 33 🗡Mother's Story⊰

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Weren't we done with everything? Using my arms to support my weight I look up at my new friend to find she was tapping her foot while her hands were placed on her hips. What got me though was her pouting as she stuck out her bottom lip. Making me giggle at her theatrics. "Uh about to take a nap?" my statement coming out as more of a question.

"Wrong! You still need to be measured for new armor. And heaven knows that Serina needs to be measured for a saddle as well as her own armor. Now come on lazy bones! We still have much to do." Aliwyn grabbed my arm to drag me off the bed and out the door.

A high pitched squeak emitted around the room before we could step a foot out of the threshold. Serina scrambling towards us on her miniature legs while making the adorable sound. Her voice frantic within my head, "Wait for me! Don't forget about me!" I opened my arms so she could flap into them.

"Serina, I would never forget about you." I cooed to my dragon. Aliwyn linked arms with me again being careful as to not jostle Serina out of my arms where she was purring happily. Aliwyn steered me through the maze like corridors of the castle, pointing out the various rooms that I needed to familiarize myself with. Finally leading me out only to cross another garden and enter into a separate building that could be considered a small castle in its own right.

"Well here we are. This is the armory of the Kingdom." Aliwyn announced. This place was amazing. There were dozens of blacksmiths running around doing various jobs such as outfitting armor for both dragons and Knights. Others were working on or testing different weapons.

The one thing I noticed however was that most of them had rather pointed ears. "The black smiths are mainly all elves." I stated out in wonder.

Aliwyn looked at me with an unreadable expression, "Most of the citizens and riders here are elves. There is only a small proportion of humans and even smaller proportion of other types of creatures. Even King Hakeem is an elf. Did you really not notice his ears?" I shook my head no, I really had not been paying very much attention. "Oh well, it is probably his hair. It mainly covers the fact that they are pointed."

Aliwyn pulled me towards a blonde haired stocky female elf barking out orders to the others. "Ah Aliwyn! Just in time, you brought me the new rider that I have heard about from the King." The woman winked at me.

"Avian, this is Lydia Roslin, the head blacksmith here in the Kingdom. Roslin, this is the soon to be new King's Blade, Avian Ravenwood and her bondmate, Serina." Aliwyn pushed me towards the blacksmith who immediately enveloped me into a hug. Making me instantly like her, she just had one of those infectious personalities.

"King's Blade huh? Then I expect Bartholomew will be down here in the next few days to throw a temper tantrum. Don't worry dear, we will get you squared away. If Serina could kindly return to her normal size on that pedestal over there with you standing next to her. I will take both of your measurements." She took out a measuring tape, wrapping it around me to find out my size. "What weapons do you use? Also what type of magic user are you? Also how do you move around while in battle?"

She lifted my arms to take their measurements and some others while I spoke, "Umm.. I use various weapons, mainly a thin bladed sword, daggers, and my bow. Though I can use weapons such as spears, axes and such. I am constantly moving in battle, I can't hold still. My elements are wind and earth." My eyebrows furrowed as I tried to think if I missed anything she had asked me.

She had moved onto Serina taking the different measurements required for her. Roslin paused in her task to stare at me, "No fire? That is unheard of. Riders occasionally get two elements but that is unusual in itself. But the most common element among the riders is fire. Even the King controls fire among his three abilities. Honey are you sure?"

Frowning I nod my head, "Yes, I have been working with them for about a year now. I have never been able to produce even the littlest spark."

"Is Serina a fire breather?" Rosin peeked over her measuring tape.

Nodding my head, "Yes." I have witnessed her fire many a time.

Roslin had gotten over her shock and went back to her task of recording down Serina's measurements. "Maybe you are just a late bloomer. Well that about does it my dear. The armor will take a few days and you won't get the sword until after being tested worthy. Which is a load of crap if you ask me. Seems as though Bartholomew is just trying to delay the inevitable." She snorted out her disgust. Seems as though Bartholomew wasn't very well liked here. At least that was the vibe I was getting from everyone.

"Roslin, whatever do you mean?" Was the sword already made? How was it any different than the one I carried now? She had opened her mouth to answer only to be interrupted.

"Don't worry, Roslin. I will take it from here and explain everything to her." The King's voice spoke from behind me, causing my heart to race as I turned to look at him. When had he gotten there? He jerked his head to the side, "Come." Serina and I followed him out to yet another garden.

Serina bent her head to nuzzle my cheek with the tip of her nose, "I am going hunting, dear one. I shall be back later. Though I will keep the link open in case you need anything." Opening her wings she took off into the sky leaving me alone with King Hakeem.

He glanced back but continued walking further into the garden coming upon a fountain sitting in the middle of where all the pathways connected. "Our two families go all the way back to the founding of the Kingdom. The first King was the savior of the Dragon race when it had been close to extinction. It was then that some of the dragons broke off from the main race to bond with the future citizens of the Kingdom. Back then he was a simple warrior until everyone rallied behind him and made him their King. His best friend fought beside him the entire time and even saved the King's life a time or two. Deciding to reward his friend he made him the Blade to the King. Our families have been side by side ever since.

The last Blade to my father was your mother. She was a well-known elf here in the Kingdom. A fierce warrior and more loyal than anyone or so I was told by my father. Last I heard, your mother had fled an important battle that devastated our numbers and we barely won. From the paintings I have seen, you resemble her as almost a perfect replica. Except for the eyes. You also have a similar personality as well." He leaned against the fountain assessing me. 


Lady Aliwyn is a character based a bit off from my best friend from high school. She was always there when I needed her and encouraged me to keep writing. No matter how many stories I had rolling around in my head. Anyway, onto the 4th update of the day!

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