Chapter 4. Truth comes out

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Astrids POV:
I was flying on Stormfly now. I felt really good about myself! I felt so light all of the sudden!

I had just told the gang about what actually happened and just let all of my emotions out into a big speech, and it felt good! It's up to them if they are going to believe me or not, I just hope they do.

One problem though, hiccup wasn't there, and I'm not saying all of that again for him to hear. I'm sick of him now, he should believe me over Jack!

I was in deep thought up in the air as I hear the horn blow once in the distance signalling.... Attack?! Oh great!

"Come on Stormfly, back to Berk. Something's going on" I pat stormflys neck as she swiftly turns round and flies back.
Hiccups POV:
Me and the gang just heard the horn blow as Astrid left after ranting at the gang. We ran to the town square to meet all of the villagers gasping pointing out to the horizon.

I push to the front through the crowd with the gang to see my dad, mam and Gobber at the front. "Dad what's happening?"  He turns to me with a really worried expression on his face. "It's drago son" then he looks back at the horizon. "So what do we do?" I ask and look back at the gang.
-----------5 mins later----------
Drago and his men are nearly on our shore now. Me and the villagers were standing in the square looking down at the shore waiting for them to come. We had no plan, just hear what he has to say, and if we need to fight, we will fight them off.

I'm just wondering where Astrid is. I hope she doesn't come back for a while cause I have a feeling dragos back for her again. And if he is, he's not having her!

Drago and his men were now walking up the small hill to the square, everyone looks nervous, apart from my dad obviously. Drago walked into the square with his men right behind him eyeing all of us up.

"Well well. It's been a while hasn't it" he says with his croaky voice looking at all of us but lingering his eyes around me and the gang. "What do you want now?!" I shout over getting really annoyed with these unexpected visits from him and daggur!

"What I wanted before" he says with a devilish smirk on his face slowly growing bigger. Everyone's faces became shocked and worried as we all knew who he wanted, Astrid. He wants Astrid so that she trains the dragons, to get at me and most of the villagers as a lot of people like Astrid, and because he likes her. Ugh one day when I have the chance I will murder him!

And right on queue after drago asks where she is I hear a squark from above. Ugh oh, I think she's here. Just great.

Stormfly lands in between all of us and drago and his men, and as she lands she has a shocked expression on her face seeing drago back. I look over to drago as Astrid jumps off Stormfly and drago has a wide grin on his face.

"Ahh Astrid! Finally joining us all eyy?!" He exclaims raising his arms a little. "Ugh great. What are you doing here? Did you not bring dagur your best friend hey?" She replies with a little sarcasm as I hear ruffnut giggle. Drago just groans and steps forward pointing at her "shut it with the cheek! Your coming with me!" Astrids eyes just widen as she stares at him. "I'm going nowhere with you!" And as she replies that drago steps forward closer to her and as do I but my dad tugs me back a little.

"What you wanna stay here on Berk with these people? I thought they didn't like you anymore after what you done?!" He says with a smirk on his face. Ugh great I think he has a plan. "Wait. How do you know ab....." "You and jack?" He says smiling and Astrids face drops. Drago hits his staff off the ground and Jack appears from the crowd of dragos men. Jack stands beside drago glancing at me and the villagers then giving Astrid a devilish smile.

Astrids face just turns into anger as she sees Jack. "Hi Astrid, nice to see me again?" He says grining at her as drago chuckles. My blood boils seeing Jack here again, I can't believe he has the guts to come back!

"I left the Bobdillian tribe and joined drago and his men as they have much more to offer" Jack fills us in as he sees us looking confused. "Chief Bobdilla and his tribe have much more to offer you than drago!" My dad shouts to Jack defending his friend chief Bobdilla.

"So Astrid, you coming? Or am I gonna have to drag you with us?" Drago questioned Astrid who looked like she was gonna fling her axe at someone any minute. Astrid just stepped closer to us to signal to drago she's not coming with him. "Are you really choosing the people who didn't believe you over me?!" Jack shouted with a smile then looking at me. For some reason I feel like Jack has something he's dying to say. But that it's bad for us.

"Astrids staying with us! Now leave!" I shout getting really annoyed now. "Why should she stay with people who never knew she was telling the truth? Who never believed her!" Jack shouts staring right at me. Wait, so Astrid was telling the truth? It was Jack!

"Yea, it was me! I couldn't stand her not loving me, all she spoke about was you! And all her friends, I was jealous of all her new friends and family, like she forgot about me!" He shouted then looking at Astrid annoyed. She was just standing there speechless, I think she was shocked everyone finally knew the truth, I feel so bad now!

Drago suddenly walked forward and pointed to Astrid and his men went to grab her but she shot her head up and defended herself. Some villagers got ready to fight but had already been grabbed my dragos men. I went to help Astrid but a fat man got hold of me and boy was it hard to get him off me!
I saw In the corner of my eye drago hit Astrid straight across the face which left a cut which started to bleed. He's gonna pay for that!

All of the sudden toothless came flying in with his tail on auto, with the gangs dragons and shot at our ropes. I forgot we weren't with our dragons before the horn blew.

All the men started to flee as more dragons got free and started shooting. Drago and Jack lost balance from a blast from barf and belch and Astrid kicked them away and they ran to the ships. My dad ran to the top of the hill and started yelling at them. As I just stared at Astrid and slowly everyone else did one by one until everyone was looking forward at her.

She looked up at us all with a tear forming holding her cheek she got cut. "Astrid I'm sor..." But I couldn't finish my sentence as she walked away heading to her house.

Gods how are we gonna make it up to her, how am I!?
Yey everyone finally knows the truth!
But will Astrid ever forgive them all and hiccup? Hmmmm?
anyways I'll update tomorrow or the day after cause I have a couple of tests coming up and I have to revise for once, lol.
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Night dragon homiesss Xox
~Jaden 🐉💖

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