Chapter 2. Planning a sleepover

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Abbie's POV:
After training today hiccup left but ruff kept us all behind to tell us something. She gathered us all in a circle and we listened closely to her, I've never seen her act so serious!

"Right guys. We NEED to sort Hiccup out, he's so miserable! The only reason he's like this is obviously because of what happened with him and Astrid. But we can't get them back together because well I'm not happy with what Astrid done either, but to cheer Hiccup up we need to bring back some good memories!" She finally finished with a big smile.

"So, we try to remember good moments with hiccup and help him remember them and cheer him up?" Tuff asks her and we all look blankly at him "woah! Did Tuff just get something right on the first try?!" Snotlout said with his jaw now wide open. "Why you so surprised snotty? I am a verrryy intelligent Nut I shall have you know! I'm kinda like a hazel nut, or maybe a chestnut with a hint of monkey nut. Not so much pea nut, I'm not so sure on peas..." "Andd the intelligence has ended" Fishlegs points out and we all giggle.

"Well I'm in! We really need the old hiccup back" I say and everyone nods. "My idea was a sleepover here maybe? We have a fire and chicken and talk, and slip in some good memories here and there eyy?" Ruff says with a smirk. We all look at each other and nod at ruff. "Well let's go home now and tomorrow morning we will ask hiccup about the sleepover" Fishlegs says and we all head home with our dragons.
Astrids POV:
After my morning training this morning I went home to have breakfast and never left the house after. I was planning to go see the gang and get my friends back, but it failed as I opened the door and got a glare of mulch. Oh Thor, am I ever gonna get my life back!?

Since the villagers were now heading home since it was getting late I thought this was the time to leave the house since Stormfly needs to go flying at least once a day. And to be honest it helps me clear my head.

I left the house and as I was in the town square I was about to get on Stormfly to take off until I saw him, I saw hiccup.
Hiccups POV:
I was heading home from training in the arena. I'm sure the gang are up to something as they stayed behind and as I got through the doors i noticed they gathered in a circle, but to be honest I just couldn't be bothered, not today. I wanted to go home, eat and go to bed.

I was walking through the town square with Toothless when I saw Astrid. Oh my Thor how am I gonna stay away from her, she's so beautiful. Her baby blue eyes widened as she saw me, we just stared at each other. We hadn't seen each other in a month, we've glanced at each other but I haven't took a good look at her, and not to my surprise my hearts melted and the world disappeared around us, it's just me and her against everything. Just like it used to be.

Suddenly Stormfly squarked and toothless growled gently to me and me and Astrid snapped out of it. I suddenly carried on walking and headed home and totally ignored her. I could feel her staring at me walking away until I heard Stormfly take off and I turned around to see her flying away. Gods how am I going to get by without her. Are we going to have to stay away from each other and if we see each other just stare making up for all the hours apart?!

I carried on walking up the steps to my house and went in and saw my mam and dad. "Hello son! You hungry?" My dad greeted me. "Ugh actually not now. I'm just going to go to bed and get some sleep." I walked over to my mam and kissed her cheek and ran up the stairs "night" I shout before climbing into bed and toothless lays down on his flat stone. "Night bud".
----------next morning----------
I woke up and went down to a empty house. "Mam and dad must already be at the great hall. Let's get you breakfast bud and I'll head up there and come back for you" I say and grab him a bucket of fresh fish. "Dig in buddy, I'll see you later" I pat his head as he starts to eat. I leave and go up to the great hall.
------------at the great hall--------
I've now had breakfast with the gang and they've been looking at me quite often now and I'm sick of it.

"What are you guys keep staring at!?" "Well we were just wondering if you wanted to have a sleepover with us tonight at the arena?" Ruff replied with all of the gang giving me grins. "Ugh sorry tonight I'm gonna be studying the dragon eye, I think there's some more..." "Ugh who cares Hiccup! Take a break from work and boring stuff just for one night and for once have some fun with us!" Tuff cut me off expressing his emotion through throwing his arms around.

"Ugmmm, okay then. I'm just gonna go and take toothless for flight and later on tonight I'll see yous at the arena yeah?" They all nod in response with a grin.
Maybe this sleepover will be fun and take my mind off Astrid. I deserve a break and to relax for a while. But I do wish Astrid could be there too.
Astrids POV:
I had just finished my breakfast at home and decided to go out on Stormfly and later I'm gonna find the gang and hiccup and see if I can get round them I really miss them now, I took them for granted before, and now I really realise how much they mean to me and are a big part of my life.
I just want them back now.
I've done another chapter tonight since tomorrow I'm going to be at a race all day.
I will update on the night though ;)
I hope Astrid sorts things out with the gang ;(
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Anyways see ya later Dragon Homies 👅

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