Chapter 1. Hiccdown-to-Hiccup

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Astrids POV:
It's been a month now, a month since me and hiccup ended things between each other. Well, since hiccup ended thing between us. Only if he let me explain that it was Jack who kissed me!

The Bobdillian tribe have left Berk now taking Jack with them thankfully, or else I would of made Stormfly toss him into the deep ocean and drown! Gods I'm bloomin fuming with that guy. I can't believe he acted as if he done nothing in front of everyone, and then behind their backs POW he's back to his mean, sly self again. Why did I trust him! I just guess I got so excited to see an old friend again.

Awe well, he's long gone now. I just need to try and sort things with everyone especially Hiccup. He's ignored me the past month, and so has everyone , apart from Gobber of course, he's been there for me ever since my parents got took away from us all in a dragon attack. He's basically like my dad apart from he doesn't live with me, oh yea did I forget to mention that I also live alone. So I have absolutely NO ONE since I don't have hiccup or my friends. All my friends and the villagers are ignoring me since they believe I kissed Jack and betrayed Hiccup. And hiccups not even looking at me since he thinks I kissed Jack and I don't blame him, IF I ACTUALLY HAD DONE ANYTHING!

Ugh, I just wish I could prove that Jack came onto me and that I never done anything, but how am I gonna do that!? I need to try though or else I could loose my friends, family (the villagers), and even hiccup! :(

I was now walking out of the forest from my early morning training which I do daily. It's now 8:00am so everyone will be eating in the great hall but the past month I've just ate at home by myself, alone, with no one, isolated, lonely, Okay you get the point. I'm now officially a loner. WOOHHH! :/
Hiccups POV:
I was sitting in the great hall with the gang at our usual table, and all the villagers at theirs.

"Hey what we doing today then?" Fishlegs asks. I looked up slowly from my day dream and don't ask who I'm day dreaming about... "Oh umm. I'm not sure, when we get to the arena we can decide then" "okay" he replies back and carries on eating.

Gods I'm so not thinking straight lately. All I'm thinking about is her, thinking about Astrid. I've missed her so much, and it's only been a month! I think it's because I always spend the day with her, she always seems to be there, supporting me, she's my strength. Now things are messed up, sooo messed up. I see her kissing that Jack fella and I just can't handle the heart break so I just paniced and ended things between us. So now as soon as I see her it's like full on awkwardness and I just walk away, fast!

I feel sorry for her though since she will be alone. I mean she does have Stormfly with her but it's not the same. She doesn't have her parents, and now she doesn't have me, her friends or Gobber. But I have to remember what she did, it angers me and makes my emotions go off the wallss.

But the only problem is not being together isn't just punishing her, it's KILLING me.
Ruff-Nuts POV:
Me and the gang were sitting in the great hall together, except for Astrid. And it's like full on awkward mode. No ones talking. Abbie and Tuff try to make conversation now and then but it doesn't seem the same. Having one person not happy makes us all not happy. We need to cheer hiccup up, we don't like no Hiccdown!

The only way of cheering him up is by him having Astrid. And I have a plan. All I need to do is tell the gang when hiccup leaves after training today.
Mission 'Hiccdown-to-Hiccup' is a GO!
Heyoo my Dragon Homiesss;)
I know it been a while since I finished my last book 'Love stays strong' but I was sooo stuck on a name for this book and I came up with 'Our Spark' I think it's okay? Let me know what you think ;)
Anyways hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll update tonight or tomorrow morning! ;)
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