Part 11

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You know I remember when Stefan actually was a lot worse than Damon I had to go with Damon at one point not for very long though when we ran into Stefan one day he got better and so he convinced Damon to let me live with Him, here in there Stefan slipped but we had this girl name Lexi she helped him I would usually hang with her until he got better I didn't want to leave Stefan's side because I trusted him more than anybody but whatever back to the story.

I heard that Damon and his girlfriend who I don't know her name is throwing A dinner party but I did not know who is all coming so I just stayed up in stefan's room poking around reading his diary you know well I decided to take a shower and then I walked across the house butt ass naked because I didn't care and I was going to grab a bottle of wine when I walked in and I noticed oh Elijah is here great well I ran out all they saw my butt but they didn't see none of my face or anything. later that night I needed some blood so I went downstairs and I noticed that the cell was close I opened it and oh look at this my poor uncle Elijah has a dagger in his artery (relax I'm not going to take it out but) I have to go to A slumber party Steffens making me he's been making me every time they have a slumber party Elena Bonnie and Caroline i'm OK with it though because Katherine's at our house and I rather set myself on fire then have a conversation with that bitch.

Well we were at Elena's and we decided to go to the grill because there was a band there playing tonight we were there for little bit and I went to the bathroom because I was sneaking out to go back to our house because I was afraid that Katherine might go to tell Damon and Stefan who I was I threatened her life before I told her I would give her the Michelson death wish.

So when I got there I compiled her to forget who I was before I met Stefan and Damon I can't risk any one knowing because my love ones will be in the line.

After that I went back to the grill and this dude came in an wrecking the whole place fire magic and all that well I was trying to help and then I got knocked out I woke up in Stefan's bed and Stefan was beside me i asked Stefan how long have I been out.

Three days three days I've been out and he told me all that happened those few days it went like this that witch dude he died Elena got kidnapped Elena's mom died Damon and Stefan decided Elena save house is now our house so now she owns it I love that when Im out for like a day and I miss so much.

Stefan told me that there's a dance tonight and I should go it's called the 60s dance let's just say I'm not too excited about the 60s "Stefan said well if you're going then get dressed you have like two hours"OK Elena took what I was going to wear so I wore a yellow and orange and white dress which I looked like a candy corn but whatever it's one night and all I'm going to do is get laid and wasted.

We arrived and everybody was dancing I was walking through the crowd and I bumped into Alaric.

Madison?(Alaric said very confused)

Hey Alaric have you seen Bonnie anywhere I have to talk to her?(I said to him but I could tell nothing was getting through he was shocked for some reason) KO I will just find her myself weirdo.

Well before i start looking for Bonnie I went to go spike the punch bowl when I got done there was this cute boy that I flirted with for a little bit and then he took me home and showed me his house and showed me.....well you know.

I came home and I went down to the basement and I notice Elijah was not there I ran up the stairs and say where in the hell is Elijah I looked at Stefan square in the eyes "Stefan said somewhere with Elena"why in the hell is Elena with Elijah and then damn they hit me with klaus was Alaric crap no wonder he look surprised when he saw me I was trying to be careful I have brown contacts in but the lights were flashing colors so they could probably look blue crap plan is ruined I was just going to where a disguise but now he figure it out crap.

Well Plan B, it means that I have to get in a big argument with Stefan and Damon and then I say I'm going to live which I'm not I have a witch that's going to Help me look completely different and I have a camper in the middle of the woods so the argument is about to begin I am going to have to turn off my humanity because my love will get in the way.

I turn to Stefan and Damon and "I said I have to go somewhere"

Like where (Damon said crossing his arms raising an eyebrow)

Like out of town for a while(I said looking at Damon in the eyes)

No I can't let you go Madison there's too much stuff going on and I can't be worrying about where you're at right now(Stefan said walking towards me apparently all of us is crossing are arms)

Damn I know I have to start yelling)"don't worry about me I can take care of my own self"

Well I do care and I worry about you all the time and I don't want to lose you(Stefan say walking closer to me)

You need to stop Stefan you're not my dad and you'll never be my dad so leave me the hell alone(yep inside I was dying this was the worst thing I could say to him the look in Steffens eyes even with my humanity off I still feel it my heart is so broken right now I ran outside got on my bike and road as fast as I could, I made it to my camp I threw a tarp over my bike and I cried for A while then I called my witch friend hey Diana it's time plan A did not working.

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