Part 9

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Beep beep beep stupid bloody alarm clock always interrupting my dreams, I slowly got up and realized hey Stefan was not beside me he must've stayed with Alayna I went downstairs after I got dressed Damon was in the kitchen.

hey Maddy Patty do you want some pancakes?(Damon said wearing he's chef hat that I bought him one day)

Can you make something else?
I mean I'm kind of tired of your bloody pancakes(I said to Damon and I realized what is happening I keep saying bloody crap I think my British slang is coming back I remember Damon used to make fun of me because when I was younger when I got mad he said I sound like a little old British lady and that used to piss me off so bad)

Um...No you gonna sit your butt down and eat these pancakes that I had made(Damon said pushing me down in the chair and putting a plate of pancakes in front of me) you won't get up from his table until every piece of pancake is gone understood.

Bite me(I said to Damon getting up from the table taking a pancake and slapping him in the face with it an at that time Rose came in and I sat right back down) you know this ain't a hotel for hoes to stay at so when may you be leaving?
(Damon giggled in the back Rose gave me a disgusted look on her face them set down)

You know Maddy you look so familiar I just can't put my finger on it(Rose said squinting her eyes towards me)

Well why don't you keep your finger off of it and drop it (I said to her and then gave her a big smile like I could run across this table and rip your head off.I don't think she remembers me but I still don't want her to keep poking around so when Damon wasn't looking i compelled her to shut up, I know what you are thinking why do I hate Rose so much I use to not matter fact me  and her were pretty good friends until she helped that bitch Katherine but I need to let water under the bridge it's going to be hard because I hate people betraying my family but I have to let it go)

I noticed that I was late for school so I got up and ran towards the door and I hopped on my bike which for some reason it would not start then Damon came out and said.

Oh yeah I'm taking to school see me and Stefan messed with your bike so you can't hop on an leave when you want to(Damon said walking towards me with a big smile on his face)

Oh is that so"(Damon well he had his keys in his hand and I  ran past him really fast and I grabbed them and I ran to his car I started out really fast and then started driving he was running right beside the car so I decided to run him off the road which I saw him run and hit a tree oh I was laughing the whole way to school well I made it to school and I parked Damon's car and to make it even worse for Damon I left his keys in the ignition I noticed when I went to class and notice Stefan was not there I was getting kind of worried I called Damon after class and I said hey where's Stefan?

he's underneath the church with Katherine"like talking to her"no Maddy like in there with her"what! Why is he down there with her(then he told me) so my dad is with that psychotic bitch"it warms my heart to hear you call Stefan your daddy about time I mean.....

I hung up before Damon could finish that sentence I never really called Stefan dad because I still have my dad and I will be reunited with him, so I ran back home I walked in the door Damon "said rude hinging up on me like that"so what's the plan to get Stefan out"I don't know " great.!
well after that I went to one of  my friends for help she was a witch and I've been there all day until I went and it was nighttime when I went down there and Elijah was down there and all I did was sit on the stairs I watched him pull Stefan out and then I heard about Alayna making that deal with him and I know Elijah always keeps his deal no matter what happens he always keeps them and so I ran back home before I get caught by Elijah.
I went home I was thinking to myself which made me laugh Elijah is a good-looking man not to be weird because he's my uncle but he picked that hairstyle I mean seriously it looks like his mom did it Man if that's what Elijah's hair looks like I wonder what my papa looks like I seen him before but I don't really remember what he looked like because that lady kind of raced him the last time we saw each other.

I noticed that Rose she's dying from a werewolf bite she's in Damon's room which still is my room no matter what Damon says because I have stayed in there for five years I have took in way more baths than Damon in that bathtub i've slept in that bed multiple times so that room is declared mine and I don't want some girl dying in there) peaked my head in the door and I saw Damon holding Rose they I went upstairs and just went to bed I know what Damon was about to do and I didn't want to hear it because as soon as I hear her last breath all the memories of me her it will just break me, Alayna was downstairs and she came up she wouldn't leave me alone till Damon did what he was going to do then I told her I'm going to bed so we have school tomorrow so bye-bye but I heard Damon and Alayna arguing downstairs and I heard go home Damon said to Alayna.

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