Part 3

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The door opens"fuck!"I said out loud,It was that lady from that one night she burst through the door."Maddy...Maddy....Maddy you disappoint me so much don't you remember I told you to never return to your family or they will perish or suffer the consequences"
She ran up to klaus and compelled him to forget about me meeting him then to Stefan then grabbed me and knocked me out..... I woke up in Mystic Falls cemetery I was cut up head to toe had blood dripping down for me and I was naked I could see my scars the lady took my ring, I had a ring that could hide my scars because Damon and Stefan never have seen my scars. I was butt naked and I ran really fast through the house I made it to Damon's room where I have my Exter ring, I was looking for it and then i hear "Maddy are you ok? I smell blood... Maddy what happen?"
I did not no what to say,he ran over to me and he put his hand on my shoulder he looked very concerned."I'm going to go get Stefan."

"NO.!! Damon please don't...crap he's running in there to go get Stefan,I found my ring and I put it on ,Stefan came in and said Maddy your back what's wrong his face went blank when he saw me naked"nothings wrong Damon just acting like a weirdo."
"Oh I'm acting weird Maddy then explain the blood on the fool and on your feet.! (Damon said with a very concerned face like he was definitely trying to get to the bottom of it)

"Maddy it's OK you can tell us."
(Stefan said with hope in his eyes that I would tell him what was going on)

"Fine... Can't explain what happened but I can show you."
First I took off the Ring and Stefan's mouth dropped he ran over to me and said "are you OK he said you can show us in the minute I get to doctor you up."
(I could see the fear in his eyes.)

The reason why I have to get doctor up is because I can get infections because I'm still human half vampire half whatever I am,I haven't really got to figure out what I'm am,all I know is my eyes can turn yellow and I can eat normal food I don't know what kind of vampire I am but I know I am one.

After Stefan was done I grabbed Damon and Stefan's hand and I brought them to my memories I was shaking because I thought I would never have to do this (tears fell down Stefans face I could see Damon was holding his back but one escaped from his eyes Stefan immediately jump to me and hug me as tight as he could.)

Well a few days past and there was this big party that I wanted to go to but Stefan said I couldn't go because every time I go I get completely wasted, and I get naked,but then I thought what if I brought the party to us,oh yes I went down to the grill I got on top of the bar and I told everybody to come Saturday night at the Salvatori's house and I said bring anything bring your friends!
I got off the bar and I sat down at the Bar and Matt walked up "hey! Maddy so you gonna throw a party."oh yes.! Are you coming "I might think about it more likely I probably will can Ty tagging along"I don't mind at all (I said to Matt with a Big smile)

Well it was nighttime and I was about to go to sleep because I have school tomorrow and I went upstairs and I realized that Elena and Stefan were getting at it I heard harder harder do it harder,I went back downstairs and Damon wasn't here so I thought maybe he would be at Caroline's house because apparently they've been getting so close so I got in his bed and I close my eyes I got so comfortable then I felt the blankets tug I looked over and it was Damon getting in bed we both yelled, "what are you doing in here?
Stefan and Elena get at it and I'm not sleeping on the couch please let me sleep in here my back hurts Damon pretty please with some bourbon on top.(I gave him the puppy dog eyes and said it in a sweet little girl voice)

"fine you can sleep with me just this night ."well he got in bed and I haven't slept with Damon and so long(not that way so get your mind out of the gutter)when he lay down I curled up beside him and I laid my head on his chest"hey Damon I'm sorry for what I said to you that one day."hey it's all right I don't remember what you said (Damon said then kissed my four head) Night Maddy Patty." Good night Damon you dork.

7:30 beep beep beep
"Oh!! crap I slept past my alarm I did not hear it I got dressed really fast Stefan said he's not going to school and so I gave him a kiss then I ran outside hopped on my motorcycle an then I went to school,I finally got one.

The bell rang I ran down the hall I open my locker and grab my books and I almost was there until I ran into this kid.
"my bad I didn't see you there."

"(then I heard this British voice saying yeah you better watch then he retract his words)"i'm...I'm kol sorry I didn't see you it was my fault now,Who may you be love?

Um..Fuck i'm late for class(I ran off before i could say anything and I got in class and I sat down I love my first class because Alaric he's like seriously the coolest teacher ever but I never really pay attention when he was off teaching I dozed off thinking about that kid in the hallway he looked so familiar I just couldn't think about it I like it involves me and he was really cute)

(Who was that girl she was so beautiful oh wait she left her diary" hey wait" (I yelled to her but she didn't answer she was already in class, in class all I can do is think about her she looks so familiar well my classes were over and I saw her walking to her motorcycle I was going to give it back to her but then I thought no I'm going read it, I went home and klaus was cooking up a plan some plan about Elena and I walked past him and he said to me)

how was your day?
(Klaus said really not caring about my day just wanting to know about Elena).

My day was fine I have to go do some homework(I wasn't going upstairs to do homework I was actually going to read that girls diary)

Back to Maddy
I was getting ready for the party Stefan was at Elena's Damon was at Carolines the party was on.......... OK the party got out of hand I got a little too drunk I mean a little means I was already naked dancing on the table so a lot of people got naked I gave a lap dance to Matt there are so many people I was dancing on the table an then Stefan came through the door and said to me"what the hell" Hey Steph yeah Damon through this big ass party and then just left I mean this place is roaring.

When Stefan said that Damon walked behind and he was screaming the parties over get out!
after everybody left Damon started talking and saying what happened to you I mean what happened to the little girl that I knew that wouldn't do this."

"She's gone Damon she's gone in the wind along with you" Stefan join in yelling he said I was grounded I laughed in his face and I said oh yeah and I just ran off"(and let me remind you I'm still drunk Half naked and now riding on a motorcycle this Will not end well)

It started raining I lost control of my motorcycle I was over by Mystic Falls Bridge and ran right off road into the water I hit my head so I passed out All I remember is only one thing that somebody grabbed it was Damon he brought me home and put me in his bed and kissed me on my head and said you crazy chick.

I know it seems kind of sad but just bear with me it will be getting more funny in the pictures were all be hugging someone but not all.

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