Part 2

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I got in the bath a late night Stefan said he was going to bed.see I stay in Damon's old room and let me tell you his bathtub is amazing, I got butt ass naked I had bubbles filled to the top of the bathtub I got really relaxing I close my eyes just for a little bit and then I heard a noise it sound like a glass window broke I jumped out of the bathtub I slipped on some soap and hit my head my head I was bleeding but I said it was OK, I was afraid that Stefan was not i running out there butt ass naked no towel just a few bubbles covering some places and I ran upstairs and "I said what's going on?

Stefan wasn't in there but his window was broken i ran to my room and got a bathrobe and I ran outside Stefan was on the ground he was getting up slowly I ran over to him still had soap in my hair and just a bathrobe on, Stefan are you OK what the hell happened here?

"Damon is what happened he's back and he said he's going to stay here while."
What happened to your head?

"Oh! this"pointed to my Cut on my head,"ooooohhhh....I just slipped on some soap and hit my head you know."
"Well let me doctorate it up."

I laughed and I said "OK! So we're going to have to keep are eyes open for Damon."

:I thought to myself:
it sucks that he's not like he used to be I miss him a lot I miss us pulling pranks on Stefan and he would give me a little sip of his bourbon now it doesn't matter because I can drink my own bourbon now,Stefan interrupted my thinking:
"Are you ok"
"Yeah!,I just wish it doesn't have to be this way"I said "I know"Stefan said "well Stefan I'm going to bed good night"and I went to go get back in the bathtub to wash all the soap out of my hair, I dropped my bathrobe and I was about to get in when I heard "what are you doing."

"Holy-crap!"all I did was squeeze my butt cheeks and I didn't cover anything, all I wanted to do was jump in his arms and scream Damen your home but instead I said this, "what the hell are you doing here you know we don't need you here right....Mystic Falls is peaceful now, me Zack and Stefan are trying to keep Mystic Falls peaceful we don't need you here"I was crying inside from what I said to him that was probably the meanest thing I could say.

Oh you mean you and Stefan....Zach is well not going to be around.

"What?.. Tears filled my eyes "why are you even here Damon all you do is come in wreck everything,me and Stefan finally built back up everything from the last times you were here."

"I have my reasons for being here now get out."

I went up to Stefan's room and I walked over to the side of his bed and I slapped him a little bit his eyes got big.

"Maddy what's the matter?

"Can I please sleep with you tonight"I gave him my big puppy dog eyes and then bam I hit him with "please daddy!"Oh I can get Stefan to do anything when I say please daddy.
"Yes you can and we will settle the Damon problem tomorrow.

Well that tomorrow turned into a month,month and a half this is what happened in the month....Stefan fell in love with Elena and Damon took a liking to Caroline I'm alone so I've been going to every Mystic Falls party I can find and getting drunk,aaannnddd....Yeah! I think I covered everything.

well it was a Monday morning and I ran downstairs I was so excited because I'm going to New Orleans...why am going to New Orleans because of my art class we are going to the art museums and all that I went a while back and I met this guy named Marsalis but people call Marcel every time I go down to New Orleans I always go see him since I've been in school for a few years every art class I have ever been to takes us to New Orleans and I always go see him.

Well I ran downstairs and i smelt pancakes!

"Good morning Madd-Paddie"
Something Damon called me when I was younger I used to hate it so much but yet I kind of missed it he was smiling and making pancakes he told me to sit down at the table! so I did he put this pancake down that had a face on it ironic it looks like a vampires face "he said eat up"
I was kind of afraid to because he's Damon and I'm afraid he might have poison it or something but I know Damon would never try to hurt me.
I got done with breakfast it was  actually really good I ran to Stefan gave him a hug and told him goodbye then I ran back into the kitchen and I saw Damon and I told him thank you for the breakfast and I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek and I whispered in his ear behave please.
"What me....I always behave."Damon said in a sarcastic voice"
I laughed as I was walking out the door with my suitcases then Stefan ran out,"Maddy wait I didn't really get to give you a proper hug!
"Ok!. Stefan gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and he said please behave and then I said the exact same thing Damon said to me but even better. Off I go
Well we took a plane because riding a bus would take forever and we're only staying a week.

We arrived in New Orleans and I compel The teacher to let me go so I well compelled her and then I just walked off to go say hi to Marcel which I did and I usually stay with him until the week
Is over we had so much fun he show me all the new things in New Orleans he introduced me to Regina Who acts like a bitch but when you get to know her she's nice I'm not supposed to tell anyone about her.
I always felt like I knew him but I can never put my finger on it.there was a picture I sew It was of a girl with a puppy in her hand she looked familiar "he told me that her name is Rebekah Michaelson the original" I heard stuff about The originals but never really cared to learn about them.
Well it was my last day and I said my goodbyes to everybody and I found my teacher and we went back to mystic falls"

I got home and I open the front door and I noticed there was a man standing in front of Stefan,
"hey Stefan are you OK what's going on here?

"Madison your home.
"Stefan said"

"Now who is this?
"The Man said standing in front of Stefan"

"I'm Madison Salvatore and who are you?

"Oh how rude of me I'm Klaus Michaelson and did you say your name is Madison?

"Yes, why?

"because I don't recall the Salvatori's having a sister,where you from?

"I don't know sorry I'm not a sister I'm more like Stefans daughter"
I was thinking Man this guy looks so familiar why is my heart beating so fast why do I feel so dizzy when I look into his eyes what is going on
and my heart started beating way more faster than it was before "I accidentally said out loud,who are you look so familiar I just can't think?

I could say the same love,perhaps we have met in time,your heart is beating really fast I can hear it are you hiding something from me little dove.

Well if he didn't know me he wouldn't recognize me I dyed my hair brown and I have brown contacts in that's probably why Stefan looked shocked when I walked through the door. I did all this because I been blonde hair blue eyes for all my life and I wanted to try something different.
I actually have blond hair and bright blue eyes and my skin is so pale even if I stay out in the sun I would still keep my white skin."and I said hang on if I look familiar to you just wait a few minutes I could probably help you out with something and then you can help me out"

I ran to the bathroom took out my contacts and wash the brown out of my hair I then walked out and klaus look like he was about to cry then he ran to me and hug me so tight.

My little Madison I thought this might have been you I looked for you so long and people told me you were dead I lost my hope.
"Klaus said"

"Um.. I still have no idea who you are please enlighten me?

"Im your father!
Then all my flashbacks came to me and my whole family came back to me I remembered that I'm 900 years old.

Then the door open"fuck I said out loud"

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