Chapter 20|Who's the baby giraffe?

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"If aliens suddenly land in California, we're all going to die. Especially if there are guys like him in our military."

Caleb nodded. "To be honest, I think I'd survive an alien invasion, just like if I was in a horror movie. I mean, come on. Why do they always answer the phone? Surely they'd be suspicious. Going into dark rooms is another issue. Who the hell explores creepy abandoned buildings in the dark, usually without a torch and probably gets locked in a small dark room? Not me because I would be in the kitchen with the lights on, eating a burger. Also, what I really don't understand; why do they see the attacker, or monster or whatever, stare at it for a solid thirty seconds, scream, then run away? Like, if they had just run away in the first place, they would have had a head start. You don't even have to be smart to work that out. So basically, people in horror movies are extremely stupid, and if they followed my tips they probably wouldn't die."

The nurse finished up with Caleb's shoulder, peeling back the single sheet to redress his leg.

"Hey, hey lady!" He started as she pulled back the sheet.

Her eyes darted to Caleb's.

"This is not just a free service," he gestured to his lower region. "You don't just get free reign, or is it free range?" He muttered to himself.

"I was just-" The nurse protested, but was cut off.

"No no, free range is chickens," he confirmed to himself.

"I was just changing your leg dressings," said the rather embarrassed nurse.

Caleb made a noise of understanding. "Ohhh. Why didn't you say so?"

I shook my head, knowing that he was just trying to flirt with the nurse. She was young, and pretty, but super shy, which is probably why she didn't respond to Caleb's teasing.

His leg seemed to be more painful than his shoulder, which didn't make a lot of sense, considering his shoulder practically had to be put back together.

"Hey," I said, grabbing his hand. "You okay?"

He tried to smile but it turned into a grimace. "Just peachy." He squeezed my hand tighter, clutching the bed sheet with his other hand, and tightly closing his eyes.

The nurse seemed unaware of the pain she was causing, and carried on dabbing with disinfectant. It probably wasn't her fault, she just seemed inexperienced.

Eventually she stopped, wrapping a bandage around his leg, giving a timid smile, then leaving.

Caleb let out a sigh of relief, loosening his grip on my hand. "What was she doing, pouring lemon juice and salt on my damn leg?"

I shrugged. "Some kind of antiseptic."

"That shit hurts."

"I can tell," I replied, flexing my fingers to resupply them with blood.

He grinned sheepishly. "Sorry H."

I hit him lightly. "You better be," I said teasingly.

"I swear upon my heart and soul that I am sorry for squashing the fingers of thee Hazel Harper," he said, placing a hand over his heart.

I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face at his antics.

"So," he started. "How's Jasmine dearest?"

"Oh, just as polite and well mannered as ever."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from her."

I snorted when he added 'brat' to the end of his sentence.

"How's Kev?"

"Dad's good. He's working a lot, and spending heaps of time with Jasmine. He's trying to teach her how to swim. You can imagine how that's going."

"I bet it's going swimmingly," he said with a cheeky grin.

"I'm not even going to acknowledge that you just said that."

"Oh just admit that it was a stroke of genius."

I groaned. "Stop with the stupid swimming puns."

He chuckled, but then became more serious. I knew what was coming.

"How's mom?"

I sighed, might as well tell him the truth. "Pregnant."

"What do you mean she's pregnant?! How is that even... that's just so...I can't fucking believe her!" He was pretty furious.

"Oh I'm not done yet. Do you remember that time I hung up on you?"

He nodded.

"Yeah, well it wasn't me who hung up, it was her. She's got worse since you left. We argued all the time and she slapped me across the face. More recently she invited all her family over for the surprise baby announcement, I might've said some rude things to our relatives, she practically dragged me down the stairs, made me stand there and apologise. Then when I said the wrong thing she punched me and busted my lip with her rings. You know I could've defended myself but I didn't want to hurt her. Anyway, she would've hit me again but Ryan and my friends turned up to saved me. She promised me afterwards that I'd never see her again."

Caleb sat there with his jaw slack. "That..that bitch!" He exploded. "I can't believe her. Honestly she just thinks she can up and leave?"

"Seems that way."

Caleb huffed. "I can't believe she punched you. I should've been there."

"Don't say that, it's not your fault, you couldn't have stopped her."

"Still should have been there," he grumbled.

The door suddenly burst open revealing two boys armed with McDonalds.

I turned sideways to grin at Caleb, he looked back at me with the same grin.

"Burger, anyone?"

"I like this kid," Caleb grinned.

Me too.


I finally reached chapter 20, that's a pretty damn big achievement.

Lots of Caleb in this chapter, hope you guys got to know him a little better. I love Hazel and Caleb's sibling bond, I'm so jealous.

Caleb to the side *Sigh* Logan Lerman is such a cutie.

Vote, comment, follow.

Until next time.

Covered In InkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora