A Place to Belong

Começar do início

Castiel slowly shook his head and let a small grin grow on his face. He was really beginning to like Dean’s little brother. “I would like some company. Thanks Sam.” He replied quietly turning his head back to the page. He scribbled a few more notes down and then looked up as a cool breeze whipped past both of them. It made Castiel shiver a little and made his paper fly around viciously under his palm. It was going to be a cool fall and a very cold winter. He could already tell.

“What time does Dean’s practice end?” Castiel asked looking over at Sam.

Sam looked up at him and grinned “Is my company not enough for you?”

Castiel sputtered out an apology that he was just curious and then stopped midsentence when he saw Sam’s face of amusement. He sighed looked down saying “You were kidding.”

“Of course I was!” Sam said with a laugh “I know I’m not your favourite brother... yet.” He replied with a small wink and laugh at Castiel’s expression. “It ends in a half hour. Chill out we have time.”

He nodded and went back to his work. The wind had died down now and so it was easier to write. A half hour passed by without Castiel even realizing it. One minute he was writing up his English essay and then next Dean was standing there with that infuriating goofy grin that made Castiel’s stomach turn to jelly. He looked up at the boy and gave a weak smile back.

Dean grinned at them and was about to say something when he saw his brother. Castiel then remembered earlier that day and how he’d knocked over those two bullies. He didn’t say anything though, what was there to say? But Dean looked pissed; Sam did after all have a small scratch on his cheek.

“Sammy...” He said with a dangerously calm voice “What happened to you?”

Sam reached up and touched his cheek self consciously. He shrugged and said “I cut myself. No big deal.”

Dean didn’t look convinced though, he stared at his brother and asked “Sam tell me right now. I know you and you aren’t clumsy enough to do that. Especially to you face!” He stopped and sat beside his brother, examining the cheek with the cut “Besides Sam this is too precise a scrape, too straight. Someone did this to you and I want to know who.”

“And I’m telling you it doesn’t matter!” Sam replied pushing Dean away and standing up with his books. He cleaned up, placing them in his bag and saying “Can we go now? Please?”

“I will get it out of you eventually Sam.” Dean replied, shouldering his bag and leaving them behind.

Castiel looked up at Sam questioningly and the boy gazed back at him steadily. A silent agreement passed between them. Neither would tell Dean what had happened. If he found out it had been his teammates, he would personally kill them and it would cause friction between the whole team. They were not going to be responsible for corrupting a whole football team. 

They followed Dean down the cement pathways out to the Impala, one of the only cars left in the parking lot but definitely the nicest. Castiel got in the front beside Dean while Sam crawled into the backseat. He winked at Castiel before he got in and all Castiel could do was stare in confusion at the spot the boy had been.

“So Cas, how was your day since my brother refuses to tell me his?” Dean asked as he started up the engine and pulled out of the high school parking lot.

Castiel looked down at his hands and said “It was fine, same old same old. Yours?”

Dean shrugged “I can’t complain, though I did learn something interesting about you.”

A Normal LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora