•Chapter Thirty Six•

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•That's It•

The six of them all arrived at the hotel and decided on sharing one so they could talk about what had just happened.

Before they had left they had discovered that John, Shawn, HHH & Mickie had been attacked in the locker rooms. After taking them to the doctors room they decided to head back to the hotel.

Matt parked the car and all of them exited and grabbed their luggage from the trunk.

After that they began to walk into the lobby in silence.

A few moments later they had arrived to the fourth floor to their hotel room and entered.

Matt threw the luggage n a corner along with everyone else and then slammed the door shut making everyone jump.

"Matt..." Amy said softly as a sign for him to calm down which he completely ignored.

Jeff had just arrived to the room with Trish and then looked into the room and sighed.
"Two beds..." He glanced at Matt; "I guess I'll start building our bed Trish." He said as he grabbed the extra blankets from the drawers.

"I'll help." Trish suggested and began to help the younger Hardy lay out the blankets.

Randy sat down on one of the beds while waiting for Ashley to finish changing into her pajamas.

Matt sat down on the be down on the opposite bed along with with Amy and they all stayed silent, all they could hear was the water running from the bathroom and Jeff and Trish's little whisper conversation while building their floor bed.

Ashley a few moments later walked out the bathroom and crawled into the bed with Randy as he pulled her closer to him and laid his head on top of hers.

"That's it..." Matt began catching everyone's attention; "I don't know about you guys but I'm not going to sit around and be a bunch of rag dolls that Edge and Christian can use to make them look better then everyone."

Everyone stayed silent and still laid their eyes on Matt.

"Tomorrow when they have their match against Eddie and Rey...we come out after the match and then demand a match against them." Matt decided.

"Matt we can't do that...think about Jeff and his head, think about the our numbers they have-"

"I don't care Amy!" Matt yelled a bit loud; "I know you also want to get your hands on Torrie and Maria after tonight." Matt said making Amy nod.

"Yeah...besides I feel fine Ames don't worry about me." Jeff said with a small smile.

Amy sighed and brushed her fingers through her hair.
"I know but still..."

"He'll be fine, he got speared and shot in the head with a chair and look he's fine." Randy said rubbing the top of Jeff's head with his palm.

"Hey..." Jeff said swatting Randy's hands away.

"So everyone agree?" Matt asked.

"Yes." Both Ashley and Randy said.

"Yep." Jeff and Trish replied.

Matt looked at Amy.

"I don't know..."Amy said looking at Jeff unsure.

"Ames he'll be fine trust him." Trish said kissing Jeff's cheek making him smile.

Amy frowned a bit.
"Trish can I talk to you outside."

Trish nodded and walked with Trish out into the hallway.

"What's wro-"

"Trish...cut the bullshit I know you don't agree with Jeff wrestling with his head in that condition." Amy said.

Trish stayed silent for a moment.

"Trish, you usually were the one always worrying now look at you, you act like if you didn't care." Amy said trying not to scream.

Trish took a breath and sighed.
"I...I don't know...I'm worried sick about him but I don't want to tell him."

"Why not?" Any asked crossing her arms.

"Cause then I feel like he would see me as someone who wants to hold him back or something." Trish replied; "I know him and he hates whenever someone tells him not to do something... I guess I don't want him to hate me..."

Amy shook her head.
"Trish. Jeff's your boyfriend now, you can talk to him, you shouldn't be afraid.
And you certainly shouldn't think that he'll hate you."

Trish nodded and wiped her eyes a bit.
"I guess..."

Amy have her a small hug.
"Now I'm not saying to tell him not to wrestle...but remember you always have to let him know how you feel. Cause if you don't your relationship is gonna come crashing down."

Trish nodded once again.

Amy smiled.
"Now let's go back inside...I think since we have all agreed on Matt's plan, we should get some sleep.

Trish nodded and walked in with Amy again.

Randy and Ashely were all ready asleep on their beds cuddled up against each other.

Amy jumped into the bed Matt.

"Better?" Matt asked getting a nod from Amy.

"Yeah..." Amy replied sleepily and leaned against him and began to shut her eyes.

Trish sighed and crawled into the floor bed she and Jeff had made.

"Every thing okay? I saw the way Amy looked at you when she asked you to-"

"Yeah everything's fine Jeff don't worry." Trish assured him.

Jeff smiled at her and nodded. He still didn't believe her but decided to let it go. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him.

Short chapter but that's all I have time for again. These exams are tiring the hell out of me.

Anyways see ya in the next chapter.


-Nikki B. ❤️

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