•Chapter two•

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•A Day Of Fun•
The next day it was 11:30am and the young 9 year olds all began to get ready for a day of fun.

With Trish-
Trish woke up and stretched her arms and legs with a yawn. She looked at her clock and gasped.

"The picnic!" Trish said jumping off her bed and going to her closet.

Trish picked out a yellow dress that was perfect for a nine year old. She brushed her hair and put a pink bow on the side of it.

She went down stairs and into the kitchen to see where her mom was.

"Mommy!?" Trish called out.

No answer.

"Mommy are you home?!" Trish called again.

No answer.

Trish sighed and opened the fridge to see the cupcakes her mom had bought for the picnic with a note on it.

Went to go find a better job Trish be safe and have fun today I'll be home by 9:00- mom

Trish wanted to cry her mom was never home anymore. Instead she shook her head today was a day of fun with her friends if her mom didn't want to be here she's okay with it.

Trish picked up the cupcakes and walked to the dirt road.

With Amy-
"Mommy! I'm going now!" Amy yelled.

"Okay have fun Amy!" Amy's mom said.

Amy picked up her picnic basket and blanket and began to walk out to the road. She bumped into Ashley who was carrying some pillows and blankets.

"Why the pillows and blankets?" Amy asked.

"Just in case we get tired and need a break" Ashley said.

Amy shrugged and put the items in the basket. (Her basket was extremely large) Ashley and Amy made their way to the dirt road.

"Hey guys!" Trish said waving

"Hey Trish!" Ashley and Amy said.

"Ooo are those cupcakes?!" Ashley said.

"Yep my mom bought them their chocolate and vanilla flavored." Trish added.

Amy put the cupcakes in the basket so Ashley wasn't tempted to eat them all yet. They all made their way to Matt and Jeff's house and waited in the front yard for them.

Soon the door opened and it was Gilbert.

"Why are you lovely ladies standing out here?" He asked with a smile.

"Oh sir we are waiting on Matt, Jeff and Randy" Amy said a bit nervous.

"Oh yeah for the picnic right, they'll be here in a minute. Why didn't you knock?" He asked.

"We didn't want to bother you" Trish said.

Gilbert laughed.
"Don't worry we're not busy"

They all smiled and then the three boys walked out.

"Hey you three your friends are waiting" Gilbert said.

"Ops sorry" Randy said.

"We didn't mean to keep you waiting" Jeff said hopping off the porch.

"It's fine we don't mind" Trish said as Jeff stood next to her and she couldn't help but blush.

"Well we got the food!" Matt said. "Mac and cheese with some grill cheese and apple slices"

"Yum!" They all said.

"I have drinks" Randy said.

"Well you six have fun!" Gilbert said. "And be careful"

"We will!" They all said.

They walked down the dirt road and stopped at a lake that was down a couple of houses.

"Here we are!" Jeff said looking at the lake.

"Well let's eat!" Matt said.

Amy and Matt set up the blankets while Ashley and Randy set up pillows on the side. Jeff and Trish were splitting the food for everyone.

They all finished and sat down.

"Dig in!" They all said and began to eat their food.

"Mmm" Amy said. "Your mom can really cook!" Amy said.

Matt and Jeff stayed silent.

"Guys?" Amy said.

"Their um...mom isn't really here" Randy said.

Amy was still confused but Trish new what he meant.

"Oh guys I'm sorry.." Trish said.

"It's fine just its only been four months..." Jeff said looking down.

Trish felt bad. She also knew what it felt for someone important to be out of her life.

"You'll get through it I promise..." Trish said.

"How?" Jeff asked.

Then Trish put her hand on his arm.
"Cause my dad isn't here either...he got sick"

Jeff looked at her and they all stayed silent.

"Sorry" Amy said.

"It's fine Amy we know you didn't know" Matt said with a smile.

"Now come on guys lets go have some fun!" Ashley said.

They all began to roll around and run around chasing each other and laughing.

Soon the sun began to set from another day of fun.

Ashley and Randy laid on the pillows and looked at the sky.

Matt and Amy were eating some cupcakes.

Amy giggled when frosting was on Matt's face. He smiled and whipped it off.

Jeff and Trish some how got on a tree branch and looked at the lake.

"Should we get home?" Ashley asked.

"Yeah maybe it's getting dark" Matt said.

They all began to pack and walk back to their house.

They made it to Amy's house first and said good bye.

"Bye Amy" Matt said

"Bye Matt" Amy said quickly hugging him and entering her house. Matt smiled.

They made it to Ashley's house next.

"Bye guys!" Ashley said.

"Bye Ashley" they all said.

Ashley gave Randy something before she entered.

"What is it?" Jeff asked.

Randy shrugged not wanting to tell. "Nothing"

They all shrugged it off and made it to Trish's house.

They all said good bye.

"Hey Trish before you go" Jeff said.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I'm sorry about your dad" Jeff said.

"Hey, I got over it, it took a while but I know he's in a better place, so is your mom" Trish said.

Jeff smiled. Trish hugged him. Jeff hugged her back. Soon they both let go and Trish entered her house

Jeff walked back to Matt and Randy. Matt smiled and Randy did too.

"Come on little bro" Matt said as they all walked back to their houses.

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