•Chapter Sixteen•

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At the arena Smackdown was starting and Amy, Trish, and Ashley were in the women's locker room changing into their ring gear.

Trish sloppily put her hair up in a pony tail and sat down looking at the monitor to see Edge and Christian going against Matt Hardy and John Morrison. Trish crunched her fist as she saw a close up of Edges and Christians faces.

"Trish-" Amy began but was cut off.

"Ames...let her be" Ashley said.

Amy sighed and looked at the monitor. Everyone in the locker rooms knew that edge and Christian were the reason Jeff was out.

Edge smiled during his match and climbed to the top rope and mocked Jeff's hand signal and did a splash off the top rope onto Matt's stomach. Christian laughed along as fans booed them.

Trish stood up and frowned.
"Mother fuckers..." She mumbled and walked out the locker room.

Amy sighed.
"I hope she's alright"

Ashley nodded.
"I'm glad that at least we know she still cares even though Jeff seems to hate her-"

"Jeff doesn't hate her, he's just still young and hurt from his 'relationship' he thought meant something but she just used him." Amy said referring to Maria.

Ashley shook her head.
"What was her name again?"

"Maria, why?" Amy asked.

Ashley smirked.
"Well...Maria's gonna get her ass whopped tonight by me, I have a match against her tonight"

Amy grinned.
"Beat her ass"

Ashley nodded.
"I will"

Amy looked at the monitor and saw Matt on the top rope now and he did a moonsault off the top rope onto edge.

"1..2..3!" The ref counted and Matt and John have won the match.

Amy clapped and smiled.
"Yes!" She said; "sorry ash but I have a guy to go congratulate"

Ashley smiled.
"Alright I'll see you later"

Amy ran out the women's locker room to Matt.

Matt walked back to the backstage area and saw Amy running towards him. He smiled and caught her lips in a kiss.

"Hey Ames"

"Hey Matt" she said "good work out there"

"Thanks Ames" Matt said and sat down on one of the sound boxes. He sighed and Amy patted his back.

"Eww sweat" Amy said and wiped the sweat off with a towel.

Matt chuckled.
"Hey when your match is over you thi-"

"You wanna see Jeff?" She asked.

Matt shook his head.
"No...I was gonna say, I really just want to go home. I'm sick of today"

Amy looked at him in a shocked matter.
"But Matt he's your little brother...he'd want you there"

Matt nodded.
"I know but Ames I just can't today...ill go straight in the morning but today...I just can't bare to see him in the hospital for the first time"

Amy nodded and gave in.
"Alright. But tomorrow you swear we have to go okay"

Matt nodded and gave Amy another kiss on the lips. Amy pulled away.

"Go shower you smell like a wet dog" Amy joked.

Matt smiled.
"That's Amy, always a sweet talker isn't she"

Amy smacked his and playfully.
"Whatever Matt, I'm gonna get the last of my make up on for my match okay"

Matt nodded.
"See ya babe"

Amy smiled.
"Bye" 'I'm so glad I'm finally with him!' She said and walked down the hall all smiley.

Ashley had a match next and was waiting at the gorilla for her theme music to hit. Maria's song hit first and she went out all cheerfully and almost wearing nothing. She also had Dolph by her side. That didn't worry Ashley though.

Ashley's theme music hit and she walked out and fans cheered for her. She smiled as she had a punk look on. She high fived the fans that extended their hands out to her. She walked into the ring and the match began.

Ashley quickly kicked Maria in the stomach and punched her over and over. Maria crawled over to the corner and the ref forced Ashely off of Maria. Maria took a time out and then Ashley came back to deliver some fist to her face. Maria kicked Ashley and went to punch her but Ashley was quick and dodged if then kicked her in the face making her body connect with the mat. Ashley went for the pin.

"1..2..-" Dolph pulled out the ref and the ref was distracted by Dolph.

Ashley looked at Dolph with anger. Dolph kept on distracting the ref until Randy ran out and punched Dolph from behind and sent him into the barricade.

Ashley turns to see Maria about to hit her with her foot until Ashley ducked and then tackled her to the mat hard. She went for the pin once more and the ref counted.

"1..2..3! Ring the bell!" The ref ordered.

Ashley's music hit and she had her arm raised. She won her first match.

Rand walked into the ring and hugged Ashley and she accepted the hug.

The fans cheered and screamed Randy's and Ashley's name around the arena.

Ashley smiled and so did Randy. They both walked back up the ramp. Ashley was about to walk to the curtain when Randy stopped making her stop as well.

"Randy? Come on we have to-"

Randy cut her off when he grabbed one side of her cheek. Again the fans screamed.

Ashley looked at Randy. Her eyes fluttered shut as he connected his lips with hers. She felt her heart pounding  out of her chest. Randy then broke the kiss and fans cheered. Ashley blushed madly as she looked at Randy. Then he left backstage and left Ashley with a shocked expression on her face. She then walked backstage as well.

Randy walked backstage.

"Randy!" Ashley called out and ran behind him. He stopped and looked at her.


"What was that?..." She asked still blushing.

He chuckled.
"I think it was a kiss"

Ashley smiled.
"But why?"

Randy looked at her and took her hand.
"Because...Ashley even though it's only been some days...I really want to be with you, not just as friends but more"

Ashley listened to him.

"So...would you wanna go on a date tomorrow night?" He asked.

Ashley nodded quickly.
"Yes!" She said.

"Great! I'll pick you up at your hotel room tomorrow night okay"

Ashley nodded.
"Okay! Can't wait!" She said.

Randy smiled and kissed her lightly again then walked to his locker room but turned once more.

"Good job out there" he said and left.

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