•Chapter six•

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Thanks for anyone who's reading! Love ya guys!

Ashley sat in her hotel room sad and confused. She had lost her match tonight which was pretty upsetting but she was more upset with having Randy so upset with her. She decided it was the right time to probably just hit the gym and work out her problems away.

Ashley tied her hair in a pony and walked down on the gym. It was 10:30 at night and the gym was almost empty except she saw the rainbow haired Hardy running the treadmill. She hopped on the one next to him and he turned to her.

"Oh hey ash" Jeff said.

"Hey Jeff what are you doing here?" Ashley asked.

Jeff shrugged.
"I couldn't sleep..." Jeff said.

"Are you sure you seem a bit down what's wrong?" She asked wondering about her friend.

"No Ashley its nothing..." Jeff said stopping the treadmill and walking over to his water bottle and taking a sip and sitting on the bench.

Ashley stopped her treadmill too and walked and sat by him.
"Jeff I know you. Something's wrong and I won't quit bugging you until I know what"

Jeff shook his head.
"I'm getting tired I have to go" Jeff rushed out the gym but Ashley chased him down the hall.

"Jeff come back here!" She said and Jeff pushed the button on the elevator multiple times.

"Come on slow ass elevator!" Jeff said. He saw as Ashley was catching up to him "Ugh fuck it" Jeff said and ran to the stairs and ran up five flights of stairs to his room.

Ashley stopped and frowned.
"Ugh...classic Jeff never wants to express his feelings to anyone!" She said walking back to her room as she was getting sleepy.

Matt and Amy were laying on the bed when Jeff ran in and slammed the door.

"You're back" Matt said.

Jeff ignored him and walked into the bathroom.

"Jeffro you okay?" Matt asked knocking on the door.

No response instead all that was heard was the shower running. Matt sighed and walked over to Amy who was getting sleepy.

"You should sleep Ames" Matt said tucking her in.

"What about you?" She asked.

"I need to talk to Jeff...something's wrong I can tell" Matt said.

Amy nodded and kissed Matt goodnight on his cheek and peaceful drifted to sleep.

Matt waited for his brother to walk out the shower. A few minutes later he did and the door opened.

"Jeff" Matt whispered and lead him out to the hall.

Matt walked out the door with Jeff and shut it quietly so it wouldn't wake up Amy.

"Talk Jeff" Matt said.

"What do you-"

"What's going on with you? You've been acting weird ever since Ashley returned. What's wrong little bro?" Matt asked.

Jeff sighed.
"Nothing Matt just..." He trailed off leaning on the wall and looking at the empty hallway.

"You miss her don't you?" Matt asked.

Jeff stayed silent. Matt shook his head.

"Jeff forget her okay...that was eight years ago. You have to learn that she may never return again" Matt said.

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