•Chapter Eighteen•

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Warning extremely long chapter •Making up is the best medicine•
(Mostly Jeff and Trish if you can't tell from the title)

Trish walked into Jeff's hospital room, she smiled to herself when she saw him sitting on the couch of his room with a small smile on his face looking out the window that gave him a view of the night city they were in. He looked fine to her, he was fully dressed in a white shirt and blue pair of jeans.

As Trish moved closer to him she gasped seeing that he wasn't all that okay.

Jeff heard the small gasp and turned around to see Trish.
"Trish?" He said in a surprised yet happy tone of voice.

Trish walked over to him in almost a run and saw that many wires hung off his right arm and chest. There was even on hanging from his head.

Jeff saw her looking at the wires.
"Trish it's fine it's just wires that help the medication that the doctors assigned me flow through my body correctly" he said assuring her that everything was okay.

Trish opened her mouth to speak but then shut it as nothing came out. All she did was stare at the wires in his arm. She felt like breaking down right I front of him which Jeff didn't want her to do.

"I'm sorry" he said.

Trish looked at him. She shook her head.
"Jeff don't, not now at least...worry about yourself and getting better first-"

"No Trish, because half of me getting better is knowing that the girl I new from elementary to the end of middle school doesn't hate me for being a complete idiot" he said; "I'm sorry I didn't believe you, I'm sorry for being a complete jerk to you and asking you for something as stupid as your I.D. Lastly I'm sorry for making you cry that night" he said looking at her.

Trish looked down and felt a tear threatening to fall from her eye. Jeff shook his head.

"You were right I am that dumbass from North Carolina and I always will be it a habit of mine sometimes, hell...even Matt call me that when I make huge risks in the ring"

"Your not a dumbass Jeff, you just need to start to think a bit before you know...act I guess" Trish said; "other then that your intelligent in your own way."

Jeff chuckled.
"Psh yeah right, I mean look at where I am, in the hospital, apologizing to the girl I though was a fake of someone-"

Trish shook her head.
"Stop Jeff you're doubting yourself which is not good, I mean who else is capable of dyeing their hair colors? Who else is capable of doing all those moves in the ring that you do?"

Jeff chuckled a bit.
"You haven't even watched one match of mine"

"But I can tell my the way you acted when you were younger that it involves a lot of jumping around and jumping off things" Trish said.

Jeff nodded.
"Pretty much"

Trish sniffed she looked at the white and grayish tile floor.
"Well if your sorry then I am too, I shouldn't have snapped like that" she said with a choked up voice; "it just. Kinda hurt when I thought that I was finally gonna be able to talk to you again after all these years"

Jeff listened to her not taking his eyes off of her.

Trish raised her head and looked at him.
"but then when I said my name in the locker room..." She let out one tear; "you left, you ran out and left me behind to think that you had forgotten about me" she broke down in front of him and covered her face with the palms of her hands.

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