Chapter 9 - Ryuu Sin Part One

Start from the beginning

But, enough about that disgusting- most different race. We shall focus on a certain boy of fifteen – Ryuu Sin. Going past the fights happening between scowling boys of hair of light, through countless tunnels of darkness and dust, turning just the right way in the stupid- incredible maze, we see a boy knocking his fist furiously, yet desperate on the large wooden doors that reached far up into the cave ceiling. The space here was very much larger than from the tunnels, and it was a dead end – you could go no further ahead, or down into the earth. This was the final level of the cave the anjelicas had created for themselves in a land not meant for the living. It was a place forgotten by time even by the anjelicas, the dust accumulating there far more than in any other place. Yet, a boy stood there, his maybe once beautiful features distorted into an ugly scowl as his fist furiously hit the door time and time again. But, he had no answer. Who would answer the boy? Who was the boy? Was he Ryuu? You obviously don't know him if you thought that for even a second. Ryuu would never act so inelegantly, and he would never show any expression on his blank face.

And that is why things were as normal as ever from behind the door, where we find yet another boy. He sits in an armchair of deep green velvet, dark bangs falling in his half-closed, glazed eyes that passed over the words in the dusty book with a speed only matched by the hand that flipped over the pages in less than a second. Book after book was piled over on the round dark wooden table placed in front of him as he read through them with incredible speed. But, they were nothing compared to what was around him – the library so extensive you could read your whole life and not hope to go through half of all the books placed inside.

The walls went so high up with shelves you could almost not see the end, and bookcase after bookcase created aisles and aisles that filled the whole room, the only big open space right in the middle, where a big round table stood, green velvet armchairs standing around it. This was the place Ryuu spent most of his time, reading with an almost desperate speed. In a year, he had already read far more than any anjelica had in their whole life. Of course, they didn't even bother to read a single one now.

All this while, the hitting on the door continues, while Ryuu just reads book after book at lightning speed. Finally, when the pile he had picked out to read was yet again piled, this time right in front of him on the table as read, he looked up from under his bangs, and stared blankly at the door.

For the anjelicas, Ryuu had the perfect appearance, and many were envious of his looks. With smooth raven hair, eyes so dark and glassy, equally dark thick lashes, pale skin gained from years of non-exposure to the burning sun, and a tall and lean body – all he needed was a pair of dark wings and he would be perfect.

Yet, they had always been disappointed in him. Since a young age, Ryuu, the one with looks the pale-haired anjelicas would literally kill for, was in fact far from being the anjelica's ideal. Ever since he was little, Ryuu had suffered because of this. But, then why did the anjelicas trust and respect him, desperately knocking on that door for his help at that moment just like many others?

It all happened at the vicious- sweet, vulnerable age of seven. Dear reader, do you notice the coincidence? Maybe it is a curse- blessing. Ah, the blessing of the age of seven, that corrupted- nurtured all the people of the world.

Ahem! Anyway, where was I? Oh, yes, the damned- lovely age of seven. Now, where was little Ryuu then? Shall we see? See that little boy who continuously throws a ball, that really looks like a jumbled up animal crying for help, at the wall, a scowl on his face as he innocently smirks at the poor thing's pain? You do? Okay. Now, look behind him, a close up would help. Oh, now you see a big face of a boy scowling right at you, invading your personal space and making “tsk” noises as his hazel eyes seem to glint with a familiar evil? You are now shivering with fear and wondering if I'm secretly a bully?

Sorry, you went too close. Back up a little, and you will see who he is really scowling at, the small standing strong form of a black haired boy. His glazed black eyes stare almost dazedly and unaffected by the scowling boy who leans over, hand on his hips. And at least now you know Ryuu's perspective, and the hideousness- well, yeah, can't really describe it any other way. At least this time said person isn't behind me to glare...I'm saved. For now.

Well, anyway, what happened after that doesn't really matter. So, I'll just fast-forward it. Basically, what happened was that the so called “bookworm” Ryuu, who read books the others would probably never understand even in the afterlife, was called week and useless. You are now probably imagining a crying little boy, but no, that is not Ryuu. You are probably imagining someone like Bellatrix instead.

I don't know if he was crying inside, but his blank face never gave anything away, and so the boy and his cronies- friends, got even madder that their words had no affect. After a series of insults which were bad, but couldn't be compared to our crybaby champion who mysteriously appeared behind me and is wailing in my ears at my earlier comment, I have to commend dear Ryuu who is still sitting beside me for not having even twitched once, and is continuing to vigorously read my words with care.

Oh, and did I mention he was sent on a quest to defeat a dragon to demonstrate his strength? No? Well, he was. And that is how we now end up looking at the inhabitable land – The End of the World. The small form of young Ryuu now stands in the sunset, the gleaming red contrasting greatly with his small shadowed form. And once again I have to commend him, for even if it was the first time in his life he had seen the sun, his eyes did not twitch once, and he stared head-on, like always. Because of this, I can't help but wonder if the mighty sun doesn't have something against him. I do have to admit that whenever Ryuu walks out, no matter how the weather was before, the sky will clear and the sun will shine down, almost as if a challenge. A challenge always accepted and won by my dear companion Ryuu, the only one who doesn't batter my ears with useless ramblings or wailing.

[A.N.: So...I took some time to update, I know. But, I had a lot to think about for this character, since it's a new chapter and all, plus I had (and still have) two history essays and two big english projects all due on the same week. Guess what week they are all due on? Yep! This one. Even so, I found time to write this hopefully awesome part of a chapter, and shall now do the essay for history which is due for tomorrow...Damn you, procrastination! The teacher didn't give much time for it either...Sniff. Anyway~ Hope you all enjoyed this, and I would really appreciate the feedback! So don't foget to comment your opinion, and vote if you liked it. Byez for now! I'll try to update this weekend after I should have already given in all my homework. Hehe xD]

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