"My name is Carter and I'm going to be working with you this week. I'm not here to be your babysitter and I'm not here to mess around either. I'm here because your team needs training and that's what I intend to do. I am your coach for now and I expect you to treat me as such. If you respect me then I'll respect you and we should get along just fine. But since you lot decided to be late to practice today, I want five laps around the track and then we will warm up, so go."

They looked up at me like they didn't expect me to be that way at all. They had another thing coming if they thought I was going to let them walk all over me. Still standing there they gawked at me with shocked expressions.

"I said go!" I snapped at them and they all took off, starting their five laps.

Once they were done I started them on a warmup that consisted of two sets of lunges across and back the field, twenty sit ups and twenty push ups, making them start over if they tried to cheat their way out of it.

Most of them couldn't believe I was actually making them work, and some were getting slightly pissed off at me.

When they were all done with their warm up I let them get some water then split them up into groups, watching them doing a different drill and switching off every ten minutes.

They were sweaty and annoyed by now but I didn't care, I had to show them I was boss.

"Okay, who's your goalie?" I called out and a tall guy with brown hair and bright blue eyes stepped forward. "Show me how good you can block."

He stepped in front of the goal getting into position while I stood in front of a ball, bouncing on my feet slightly before sprinting forward and kicking the ball, it sailing right into the net over the goalies arms.

"Seriously, you didn't even try." I questioned him.

Grabbing another ball I kicked again, this time he moved more but not enough to stop the ball from hitting the net.

"Move, kid." I griped and kicked again, him still not being able to block the ball.

I could tell he was getting annoyed as well.

"So what's your deal?" He asked me as I continued to kick ball after ball into the goal.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Why are you here?"

"Because your Coach asked me to be." I took another kick which he actually blocked this time.

"You went to school here?" He asked me.


"Why did you quit the team."

"Because I had to take care of my little brother." I replied.

"Ah. So are you single?" He kept talking to me and it was starting to aggravate me.

"Engaged." I answered and kicked the ball right past him.

"Engaged? You're only like what twenty something?"

"Nineteen." I said. "What's your name?"


"Well Wyatt, I suggest you focus more on actually trying to block the ball instead of my personal life and maybe your team will actually have a shot at winning their game this weekend." I kicked the ball into the goal for emphasis and then walked away.

"I'll show you how being a goalie is done." I said to Wyatt. "Everyone line up!"

The boys who were standing around talking got into a single file line.

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