Chapter 34: The Witch

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A/N: HAII~So I have been using these past week and if you want to know my username its...@foodlover789 Also, if you get to view my, you would be able to see MY FACEU >3< And please donut judge because I really suck at -3-

That's all for now~ See YOU GUYS AT THE BOTTOM A/N~
•Your POV•

"I have a question to ask you."Taehyung said as he faced me.

"What is it?" I hummed and turned to him.

"I know I have asked you this before you still like Jaehyun?" He asked and bit his lip as he waited for my answer.

I blinked several times while gathering my thoughts. I smiled slightly and shrugged my shoulders.

"Hmm, do I?" I asked myself as I tapped my chin.

"I don't you?" Taehyung leaned closer to me as he raised a brow.

"I.Don't.Know" I said word by word and moved my fingers as if I was writing 'I don't know' in the air.

"That's exactly what you answered the last time I asked you.." He mumbled with a pout and looked straight ahead.

" He mumbled with a pout and looked straight ahead

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"But you know.." I huffed out and leaned my back on the metal chair.

He quickly turned to look at my direction as if I called him out and rested his head on his hand that held support from his arm that was sitting on top on his thigh as he slouched.

"It's silly when people think that their first love would be their last.." I turned my gaze up to the ceiling.

"Why is it silly?" Taehyung tilted his head.

"Because it's not true.." I answered

"You can't stay with the same person forever without loving anybody else." I muttered.

"But why?" He straightened his back, not keeping his gaze away from me.

"Because..your first love is just a moral for all your other love." I sighed and and looked back at him.

"So, you should expect that your first love would come to an end." I nodded with eyes closed.

He puffed out his cheeks before flicking my forehead.

"YAH!" I yelled and rubbed my forehead.

"How do you know that?" He huffed out and crossed his arms.

"I just know it, you babo!" I smacked his head resulting in him groaning and holding his head with both hands.

"Aish.."He growled and rubbed his head.

"I reckon that Jaehyun's your first love.." He pouted as he continued to rub his head.

"And I reckon that Heeyeon's your first love!" I exclaimed back at him as I stood up.

『 TRANSPARENT LOVE 』 ⇢ Kim Taehyung / VWhere stories live. Discover now