Chapter 19|Did they chop my arm off?

Start from the beginning

"Well handled," I commented with a nod. "It's a shame though, I really did want to hit him."

"I'm still tempted," he remarked, casually grabbing my hand in his and leaving them to rest on his thigh.


The time passed abnormally slowly in that small white room, and many of the soldiers slept in those uncomfortable chairs. Surprisingly, so did Ryan. I understood that soldiers slept where and when they could, but I was kinda jealous that Ryan was just able to sleep in those hard plastic chairs.

I stared at his sleeping form. His lips were slightly parted, and his hair was messy, his face was relaxed, but he looked...troubled. I sighed, slumping in my seat. Why couldn't my life be all sunshine and rainbows? I mean if it was I'd probably get bored and just set stuff on fire for fun. I'd probably had about the same amount of drama normal people have in their lifetimes by the time I was five years old.

I was convinced that if there was a god up there, he had some sort of vendetta against me. What had I ever done to him? I was sure I didn't deserve all the shit that had happened to me.

I sighed exaggeratedly, causing Ryan to stir. I glared at him. Why did he have to be so fucking perfect? I mean yeah, his good looks are great and all but they're just so distracting. Like when he does that half smirk, and that sexy left eyebrow. I don't understand how that much perfection fits in one body. He could have at least shared.

An annoying tapping sound sort of brought me back to reality. I looked around for the culprit, twisting my head in all directions to see behind me. This was one of the instances when having eyes in the back of my head would have been handy. A guy with short, dark hair-very accurate description, basically all of them had short, dark hair-was jigging his left leg, causing his heavy boot to rattle the floor.

"Pst," I whisper shouted, too lazy to move to talk to him.

He stopped for a second, shrugged and continued playing the foot drum.

I rolled my eyes. "Pssst!"

He stopped again, looking straight in my direction.

"What?" He whisper shouted back.

"Stop playing the bongo drums with your foot."

He looked at his foot, as if only just realising he was doing it. "Oh sorry, nervous habit."

"Why are you nervous?"

"Because my best friend got shot."

I had a lightbulb moment. "You're Jeremy."

"Sure am."

"I ought to kill you."


"Because you nearly killed me on the phone."

"I said I was sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out like that, sounded better in my head."

I chuckled. "It's fine, at least we're all here, now we just have to wait."

He groaned. "I hate waiting."

"I'd rather be waiting than in Caleb's shoes right now."

He nodded in agreement.

"Do you know why he didn't call me?" I asked hopefully.

"The base we were at for the last month wasn't very well equipped and we didn't have a lot of spare time on our hands. He did look at your picture every night though, that's how all the guys knew who you were, because he always had you in his pocket."

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