Chapter 1 Volitha

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Rhett's POV

Wind whistled past my ears as I rode down the dirt path behind my best friend, Link. He was testing out the new bike he got for his fifteenth birthday today. 

"How's the new bike working?" I shouted to Link.

He glanced back at me and replied," It's pretty good. The brakes could be better, but it's good."

I took a deep breath of the cool North Carolina air letting it fill my lungs to full capacity before releasing it back into the woods. There was a small cliff directly in front of us. The path turned sharply to avoid it.

"Hey Link, be careful ahead with your brakes!" I yelled.

He turned around again to face me. 

"What did you say?" he asked.

"I said be careful ahead," but it was too late. By the time he turned around, the cliff was right in front of him. He quickly pushed brakes, but he wasn't quick enough. I watched with horror as he disappeared over the edge.

"Link ! Oh my gosh!" I screamed as I hopped off my bike. I ran over to the cliff climbed down. It was about twenty feet. He was lying there in a pool of his blood, his body contorted in all directions. I knelt down next to him and pulled him up to my chest.

"Link please, please tell me you're okay. You're my best friend, my brother. I need you! Please, just answer me," I said and began to cry on his shoulder.

He remained silent and motionless. I put my fingers on his neck to check for a pulse. There was a very slight one.

"Come on, Link! You're still alive, Buddy. You can do this! Please fight it, you will  live!" I said hoping he would respond somehow. 

Nothing. I checked for his pulse again. It was hardly there and suddenly, it stopped.

" No, Link please come back to me," I cried as I held him in my arms.

Suddenly, a bright, white light appeared and a beautiful woman with sparkling blonde hair stepped out of the light. It slowly faded away and she walked over to me. She knelt down beside us. Without a word, she placed her hand on Link's lifeless chest. A light blue light shone and he gasped and shot up. He was completely healed. No broken bones and all the blood was gone.  We stared at the young woman in front of us.

"W-what just happened?" Link asked moving out of my grasp. I blushed a little, embarrassed I had still been holding him in my lap.

"Y-you died, and she brought you back to life," I said and pointed at her, my hand shaking a bit. She had pointed ears and grayish-blue eyes. She was an elf.

"My name is Volitha and I need your help. My homeland, Evidore, is being attacked by the Krax, our peoples strongest enemy. We need all the help we can get. I saved your life, please, help me save my people's," she pleaded and looked at us, waiting for a reply.

I looked at Link. He looked back at me and nodded.

"We'll help," Link said and we both stood up.

"Thank you so much!" she shouted and hugged us both taking us by surprise. She reached her hand out and whispered a spell in another language. The white light appeared again.

"Please step in," she said. 

I looked at Link, swallowed and we all stepped into the portal.


Hey Mythical Beasts,

Hope you like my newest story! I'll update every few days. Thanks for reading :)



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