Section 2.1: Something is wrong with me

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                    The black creepy figure is staring at you. Staring deeply into your soul with its white, sclera eyes. You don't know what to do right now. Should you run? Should you scream? Would the monster attack you if you do? All these questions are filling up your brain. Then suddenly.. you couldn't think of anything. You started to fill dizzy and your eyes are starting to hurt that you have to close them right away... but you couldn't... your eyes won't flinced..

"Hey.." ..... "Hey!" ...... "Ryan!!" Familiar voices called out for me. "Quick Zoey, give him CPR!! Kiss him! Breathe air into him!" I opened my eyes and saw Rex getting smacked by Zoey. "You alright there, buddy?" Rei asked with a concern look on his face. "What happened?" I asked in a low tone. "You were unconscious when you got into the school bus," Rei said. "We thought you were tired so we gave you your seat and you slept through the whole ride." "You mean, we're at school right now?" I asked. "Well you're still in your seat, aren't you?" Rex chuckled. "You could have just said 'Yes' Rex." Zoey rolled her eyes. I glanced around and saw that we were the only ones left on the bus. "Everything alright back there?" The bus driver asked. "Well everything seems to be fine. The seats are clean, the roof is alright," Rex looked around and made a quick stop at Zoey's face. "I think I see the problem here..." He laughed. "Can't you be serious for once, Rex?" Zoey sighed. "Are you sure you're alright?" Rei concerned. 

I guess athletes have soft sides after all. "Yeah, I'm alright," I struggled to stand up. "Just a little dizziness." I got up trying to keep my balance. "Ryan.. what happened to your eyes..?" Zoey was shocked. "H-huh? What do you mean?" I asked. "Your eyes.... they are so red!" Rei gasped.

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