Chapter 2: It was spotted

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                    "Yes you are.. but.. that's not the case.." The words that my mother said was still stuck in my head. What could she possibly mean? Was it because my brother is a total brat that can't stay still for 5 minutes? Or because they wanted someone to help me with my final exam? "Hmm." I looked down as I was walking to the bus stop. "Hey Ryan!" Two voices called out for me. I looked up and saw my two bestfriends Rei and Rex standing in front of me. "Why are you day dreaming dude? It's morning!" Rex said enthusiastically. "I wasn't day dreaming!" I rolled my eyes. "And why were you looking sad? Forgot the bathroom this morning?" Typical Rex laughed.

Rex and my little brother are alike. They love teasing people and have a bad sense of humor. They even got the same straight forwarded brown hair. Sometimes I wondered why I'm Tim's brother. "So Ryan, did you revised your lesson for today's final exam?" Rei grinned. Now Rei, he's more different than Rex. He is generous, brave and haS a lot of pride in him which driven him to be an athletic person and good at all kinds of sports. People tend to call him The Golden Gorilla because of his spiky blonde hair and his bulken gorilla-looking body. He'd probably be that one guy who you would see every evenings at the corner of the street helping old ladies crossing the street.

"Yeah, I did. Wasn't that hard anyways." I said proudly. "Yeah, because you're a NERD!!" Rex laughed. "So what about you Rei? Revised yours?" I ignored Rex. "Probably not, since he was too busy helping old ladies molding their lawns!" Rex laughed again. "Half the book." Rei said as he shoved his hands down his pockets. "Does that help?" He ignored Rex. "Don't worry, you'll pass." I gave him a thumbs up. "Hey 'R's!" I heard a voice coming from a distance. "Is that... Zoey?" I glanced at the figure that was running towards us. "Yea, it is." Rei grinned. "Ah no! A running pig! And it's coming straight towards us!" Rex cried. "Ryan, Rei, I didn't know you two live in this neighborhood too." She ignored Rex. "Hey! What about me?" Rex frowned. "Didn't know you moved into our neighborhood, Zoey." Rei said. "And yeah, we live in this neighborhood since we were kids. Isn't that right Rei?" I said as we ignored Rex. "Oh, I moved here yesterday. I'm surprise you 2 are living here too!" Zoey said as she ignored Rex. "I'm ignored." Rex wimped like a baby. "Hahaha we were just messing with you, Rex." We laughed. "Yes! I was mentioned!" He laughed. "And why did you dye your hair pink, Zoey?" I asked. "Oh, you know me. I love pink." She winked. "Now I know why Rex called you a pig." Rei laughed. "Yeah, pigs are pink." Rex added.

Actually Zoey just love dying her hair. And everyday you will be seeing her hair with different colors. I guess her hair is as bright and colorful as her personality. "The school bus sure is late today." I said eargerly. "Yeah and it's already 7:45." Rei said as he glanced down at his watch. "Exams will be starting in the next 15 minutes." He sighed. "Maybe.. there was an accident!?" Rex gasped. "No, stupid. The school bus is right over there!" Zoey pointed at the school bus coming to pick us up. "Hahaha can't believe it scared ya." Rex said. "I wasn't scared!" Zoey sticked out her tongue. "Heh heh.. Knock it off you too." Rei grinned. The three of my friends climbed onto the bus. I smiled and looked back to my house as I was climbing onto the bus... but then... something caught my eyes.. Behind the fences of our neighborhood's backyard.. Between the tall trees and long bushes.. there lies 2 white eyes.. with no pupils staring directly at me. My head started to feel dizzy and I closed my eyes as my eyes started to burn. "Hey.. Ryan, what are you staring at?" Rei shook me. I looked at him. "Oh.. it's nothing." I said as I glanced back to the woods and the 2 mysterious eyes were gone.

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