Prolouge part 1 - The Breakup

Începe de la început

Ten minutes later, Ally let go of me and left, and then Dinah knocked on my door KNOCK KNOCK, "Mani" she softly called, " It's open, for the only time, you knocked Dinah". That made me quickly smile as she never knocks on my door. I said before the taller girl came in and brought me some chicken wings and fries (A/N: or chips if you are British, like me). "Thanks D, when did u get them". She quickly replied, "I left the house soon after you left the meeting". "Do you want to leave Fifth harmony with the rest of us?"

Camila POV

I tried not to tear up as Normani did, I leave to go to our closed kitchen to get a glass of water and then cry there shortly. I am happy that she mentioned it when she did as I want to release my solo album at the start of 2021, but sad at the same time as this the end of a a major chapter in my life.

Lauren joined me in the kitchen soon after I had stopped crying, "Camz, Estás listo para salir Fifth Harmony conmigo y el resto de ellas?"(¿Are you ready to leave Fifth Harmony with me and the rest of them). I quietly relied "sí, se le"(yes, and you), "si" the green eyed girl replied but I sensed doubt in her voice. I didn't question it as it would create another unnecessary argument. I then ask her "What do you want to do after we split up?" She replied "I want to go to College to study Psychology with acoustic engineering or music." It was a confident answer but she didn't know where she wanted to go.

That afternoon we had all calmed down from this mornings meeting with some tension from earlier today. I had sat down in the living room watching a re-run of friends on Comedy central. Dinah joins me at the start of the episode where Chandler asks his dad to go to his wedding with Monica. During the ad break I ask Dinah "what are you going to do if we disband?". the taller girl replied "I want to have a break until next July and then start a solo career, shall we call the girls to tell them what our decision is?"

I send a whats app message on our group chat to arrange a 5H meeting in ten minutes, Before I spoke to Dinah I had written a draft letter to send to the fans via twitter.

Ten minutes later.

This may be the last 5H meeting we may have in this house, but Firstly can we hear what your decisions are from Dinah and Ally, Ally starts off by saying "I think this is the right time for me to leave, considering that I can start on the bakery business" I can tell that she is trying to hold back the tears that are in her eyes, I decided to sit between Dinah and Ally, with Lauren and Normani on chairs opposite us. I whisper to Ally "que está bien para no estar bien, dejar que las lágrimas"(it's okay not to be okay, let the tears go) . She then Grabs the tissues and starts crying. I put the shorter girl on my chest to lean on and let out her tears. We all ended up hugging her for a few minutes before returning to the meeting.

Eventually Dinah then speaks and says that she is alright with the group disbanding. I tell Dinah to get my pad on the dresser as I tell her what it is. I read out the note for what to tell the fans.

Dinahs POV

"Camila the note is fine for the fans, we now have to tell management". I Facetime called Jared during the 5H meeting, He said he completely understands, thank you for being my client. Then we called Simon Cowell and LA Reid.

"Hi Uncle Si, Hi LA" we all say in sync which we all sound hesitant as we know what we are going to say. We all tell him the news and what we want to say to the press. Then Camila and I took the iPhone to the kitchen.

We arrive in the kitchen and we sit on the stools next to the worktop. We were having small talk with Simon and LA "Simon, LA, firstly on behalf of the two of us thank you for signing us as Fifth Harmony, secondly can you sign us to your respective labels as individuals please?" Camila had put on a slight pout to see if she could get their word, but that didn't work. LA replied to us saying " Simon and I will get back to you individually". This had slightly lowered my self esteem as I knew Camila had made I know what you did last summer with Shawn Mendes. Hopefully Simon does sign me as it is almost a similar situation to Zayn Malik.

"Sorry about that, When do you guys want to do the last performance and where? I am thinking about somewhere close by". Everybody agreed but we wanted a big venue so that we could fit in as many people as possible. Lauren Suggested the Dodgers stadium as she said "Firstly the stadium is massive"stretching her arms out from the center of her body all the way outwards "and secondly the dodgers didn't make it to post season so the stadium isn't being used". "We'll tell management tomorrow to sort out the 27th of November for our last performance." I said asking for confirmation.

Lauren then questioned "Why the 27th??". Camila punched Laurens right Bicep really hard. "OWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR Camila!!!" Lauren screamed, "Language Lauren! " Ally shouted at Lauren at half the volume Lauren screamed at. Camila sassily replied "For not knowing why 27 or 27th is so significant". "Now my tattoo looks like crap (her XXVII tattoo)" Lauren complained holding her right arm. I sassily said "that is where she was aiming for" I punch her left bicep and Camila punches her right bicep again."Now I know why you said the 27th of November". Normani said "Caminah moment recorded".

The other three start laughing and then crying at the same time as what she said was funny but they realized all ships have now sunk. As soon as Normani said that, I went round to Camila crying considering this is the last moment we would have as Caminah together. We stayed there for a few seconds before I push this hug into Lauren. She looked surprised at first, but I whispered, "USS Camren has finally sunk."

Now we prepare and wait for the day to come.

A/N: Hi guys (and girls and everybody in between). This is my first fanfic and I think my English is bad, feedback will be appreciated, the next part will be the last performance. Also the translations for anything in Spanish is next to the phrase, courtsey of google translate. Please can you send me suggested covers for this fanfic as I want to change it.

I am British so I will try and put as much of this in US English. I apologize if there are any errors in spelling things like "the colour grey" instead of "the color gray". This fanfic will mix US English and UK English. I will try and write as much of this in US English as possible as I am using my phone to write this aswell and that is programmed to UK English. I apologize for any typing errors that I've made.

I did Narrators POV instead of No ones POV because No ones POV is too mainstream.

Work from home is a good song but it annoys me as the theme of the music video is completely off. It should have been like the All eyes on you music video but with Fifth Harmony and them working, bit like the Worth It video but in a house and them dressing casual sexy. Eventhough I said what I did above I still like the video as it is HOT!!!.The song makes me think their hormones are taking over their lyrics not their hearts, considering most of it is about FUCKING!

Also what car does Ty dollar sign refer to when he says "she ride it like a 63". Lauren literally says 20 words. Major improvement from Worth it but still not enough Lauren for me.

Are you all alright if I include the following topics?:




Self harm,

Murder and other forms of death,


Health problems???

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