Chapter 31, a new dawn

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Everyone stumbled back in shock as Alexander opened his eyes and took in a very deep, gasping breath.

"Alex?" Elsa said, trying to get Alexander's attention.

Alexander slowly sat up and turned around to look right at Elsa. His familiar cheeky grin was on his face.

"Elsa, it's me" Alexander said.

Elsa didn't need any further encouragement; she immediately sprinted to Alexander and pulled him into a deep and passionate kiss.

Everyone clapped and cheered for the Snow Queen and the Battle-Cruiser Captain as they kissed for, what seemed to them, the First time in Forever. As Elsa and Alexander broke apart, Alexander winced as he felt a slight pain in his chest.

"What is it?" Elsa asked her voice full of concern.

"My Heart hurts" Alexander replied.

"No, Our Heart hurts" Elsa said, smiling now in a loving way.

Alexander was very confused so Elsa explained what had happened from his 'Death' to his Resurrection.

"So I have your heart inside me which is keeping me alive and your powers are keeping you alive?" Alexander asked.

"Yes, pretty much" Elsa replied.

Very slowly, Alexander got back onto his feet and Elsa stood next to him. Just as they were about to climb onto Elsa's horse, ready for the trip to Arrendelle, Anna asked

"Elsa, Alex, do you two want to build a snowman?"

Elsa and Alexander looked at each other for a long moment before they both said "Yes Anna, we do"

The End

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