Chapter 15, Uh oh, we're in trouble!

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The dukedom of Wesleton was a rather large and grand place. But the whole area had a militaristic feel to it. The Duke of Wesleton was currently sitting in his office chair, looking through a battle report from the invasion of the southern isles. He was furious to say the least; he had the most powerful military in the known world under his command and it failed to take control of a neutral country! He was a little scared too, ever since one of his frigates had returned severely damaged after it had attempted to sink the Spirit of Arrendelle which was carrying the Princess and Prince of Arrendelle at the time. The attack had been stopped by a huge iron clad vessel with no sails and enormous guns. The report on the southern isles invasion mentioned that very same ship being in the area at the time of the fleet's loss. Two smaller but much faster warships and a large cargo ship, all iron clad and powered by steam had also been spotted. Arrendelle had an advantage, until now.

The duke looked out of his office window at the bay where his large and glorious grand naval fleet was moored. In the middle of it lay a very large iron clad vessel. It had a single huge funnel and almost every inch of it bristled with huge, powerful weapons on par with the Arrendelle Iron Clad giant. From the rear of it, flew a flag that confused the Duke greatly. It was red with a white circle and in the middle of the white circle was a curiously bent black spider. As the Duke was watching the iron clad, the door opened and Councillor Ferdinand, the Duke's top advisor in military matters walked into the room.

"I have been talking with the commander of that iron clad and he says that it should be ready to sail within a few days" Ferdinand said.

The Duke smiled as he thought "Excellent! Soon Arrendelle will fall!"

"Is the commander confident of victory?" the Duke asked.

Ferdinand smiled before he said "the captain of the Iron Clad says that a ship identical to his own sank a vessel of the same class as the Arrendelle Iron Clad before"

"Good" The Duke said, but as Ferdinand got up to leave the room he said "Do you by any chance know that iron clads name?"

Ferdinand thought for a moment before he said "I believe the ship is known as DKM Berlin, whatever that means"

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