Chapter 9, WOLF ATTACK!

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The day after the arrival of the Sunderland

Alexander sat in his cabin, looking over some reports of progress that had been recently delivered. Training of the army and navy was going faster than ever thought possible. Production of Modern weapons was going very slowly and at long last, the production of 15 inch shells for the Norway's main cannons was gathering speed. Fuel was also a slow thing to get going. But at the very least a source of fuel had been found. A large deposit had been found to the north east and a hastily rigged refinery and pipeline had been constructed. Now Norway could get back out to sea again.

But as he thought about this, someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" He asked.

The voice which came through the door surprised Alexander. It was one of the castle servants!

"Sir, I have a Letter for you." He said.

Carefully checking the Webley to make sure it was loaded; Alexander got up from his chair and moved cautiously over to the door. As he opened it, there was a servant outside and in his hands; he held a letter in his hands.

Alexander took the letter and sent the servant back to the castle with a signed note to say Alexander had received the letter.

As he closed the door again, Alexander turned to his desk and set the letter down on it. Taking out his letter opener which was once a Bayonet from WW1, he opened the letter.

He unfolded the letter and looked at the elegant handwriting for a long moment.

It read "Dear Lt Cdr Alexander McDonald, in light of the recent agreement between My Kingdom and your Mighty Battle Cruiser. It has come to my attention that both of us don't know each other very well. As you said, we should all be friends especially in wartime. So I am inviting you to join me for a Picnic this afternoon. I hope to hear from you soon.

Signed Her Majesty Queen Elsa of Arrendelle"

Alexander smiled to himself before he made preparations to Join Elsa and the others. He changed into some dark trousers and a white shirt with a thick great coat covering it. His Webley Revolver was in his pocket and he carried plenty of ammunition as well. He also brought a rather oversized bar of Cadbury's chocolate which he had managed to get from supplies the day that the Norway set out from Scapa Flow on the voyage that brought it here.

As he strode through the streets of Arrendelle, Alexander took a look around; everything was so safe and tranquil. One or two of the shops were selling small, wooden models of HMS Norway and the Sunderland flying boat. Alexander didn't know why they were doing this but if it made the citizens happy, so be it. Alexander finally met up with Elsa, Anna and Kristoff as they prepared to set out.

"Alexander, I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up" Elsa said in a disappointed tone.

"Sorry I was late but I had some papers to sort out before I left" Alexander replied.

"But I do have a present for all of you" he added as he drew out the chocolate bar.

Elsa and Anna immediately recognised it and their faces lit up with joy.

Alexander then boarded the sled and Kristoff cracked the reigns, the reindeer pulling it grunted and began to pull the sled and its occupants out towards the woods. On the way, Alexander told Kristoff, Anna and Elsa about England. Genuinely Alexander did miss his home but a part within him knew that it would be a very, very long time before he could even think of trying to find home again.

"It must have been beautiful" Elsa said in sympathy.

Alexander smiled and said solemnly "yes it was, it really was"

"Once this war is over, we will do everything we can to get you and your crew back home." Anna added, smiling now.

Alexander just grinned and turned to look out over the fjord as the sled climbed up the small hill overlooking Arrendelle.

When they finally stopped, Alexander and Kristoff got out the picnic supplies with some help from Elsa and Anna and all four sat down to eat. Occasionally, Alexander would glance down to the Webley in his pocket to make sure the Revolver was still there.

As Elsa finished a slice of Pork Pie from the Norway's galley, she stood up and said to Alexander "Walk with me?"

"Yeah, sure, why not?" Alexander agreed and he stood up to follow Elsa.

The two walked deep into the woods, chatting and joking. There was not a moment of silence between them as they walked. Alexander was smart, kind and funny and Elsa really enjoyed his company.

"Could Alexander really be the one?" Elsa thought to herself.

But then as they were about to turn back, a twig cracked!

Both Alexander and Elsa fell silent as they listened.

Another twig cracked. Alexander drew his Webley and flipped back the hammer.

"WHO'S THERE? REVEAL YOURSELVES OR I FIRE!" Alexander shouted in warning. Elsa watched the surrounding area too since her senses were sharper than Alexander's due to her Magical abilities.

A dash of movement caught Elsa's eye and she tugged on Alexander's sleeve to get his attention. He whirled around to see several huge forms edging towards them!

"Wolves!" Alexander said in fear as he aimed the Revolver.

As he said 'Wolves' one of the wolves leapt towards Elsa!

Alexander aimed the Webley and fired. The Revolver fired with a loud BOOM sending a .455 cartridge into the Wolf's head killing it instantly. The other wolves leapt straight in to the kill. Alexander kept the wolves away from Elsa as best as he could but there were more wolves than Bullets for the Webley as Alexander was about to find out.

A huge, grey male wolf, the alpha leapt for Alexander, who tried to fire the Webley at him but all that came out of the gun was the dry click of an empty chamber. He was out of ammunition and as he realised this, the wolf knocked Alexander over and pinned him to the floor, Alexander was barely managing to keep the Wolf's jaws from ripping his throat out!

Elsa was now scared and furious; no-one would dare try and hurt Alexander without her retaliating! So she stood up tall and shouted "HEY, WHY DON'T YOU PICK ON SOMEONE YOUR OWN SIZE!"

The wolf turned and snarled at Elsa, teeth bared and dripping with saliva. Making her move as the Wolf lunged, Elsa sent out a powerful icy blast which hit the Wolf hard in the face and sent it flying into the trees!

All was silent again in the woods. Alexander was still lying where he was knocked over by the wolf and he looked to be in a state of shock.

Elsa rushed over to Alexander's side and said with her voice full of concern "Alex, are you alright?"

Alexander just blinked for a second before he said "What was that?"

Elsa knelt down beside Alexander and said in a careful tone "There is something you should know"

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